Meeting Chat Noir

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It is the beginning of the weakend. Many people do fun things. While I'm over here getting ready to do my many activities. But it is only theater, ballet, and sewing. Yep, all that. Though I enjoy it.

When I was done it was already 7:40. I still had time for myself. It's a good thing I am off of my duties on Saturday's and Sunday's.

I grabbed a bowl of cherry's and went to my room. YiYi came out and dived in. I placed the bowl on my night stand and flopped on my bed.

"Whats wrong (Y/N)?" YiYi asked with her mouth full.

"Just tired." I said sitting up. I changed into my jammies and walked to my balcony.

 I changed into my jammies and walked to my balcony

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I looked at the beautiful scenery and sighed. Suddenly I heard a thud next to me. And to my surprise, the famous Chat Noir was standing in front of me.

"Good evening my lady." Chat Noir said.

"Good evening to you too Chat." I said turning to him.

"Oh nothing, just checking around the city." he said with a smirk. He sat down on the railings and I followed his lead sitting next to him.

"So, do you like to protect Paris?" I asked.

"Like? I love it. Just like I love your nightgown." he said. I blushed at his complement.

"Yeah, I thought it was purr~fect." (Kill me plz). I said holding in my laughter. But I fail and we both burst out laughing.

I sighed and said, "It was a pleasure to meet you Chat Noir."

"As to me." he said back. "But it time fur me to go."

I giggled at his pun. A beeping noise was heared, but before Chat left, he kissed my hand and left.

I looked at him as he jumped from building to building. And disappeared into the night.

Author's note

I know this chapter is short. I'm sorry. But this is all I could come up with. Anyway hope you still enjoyed. And I still want you recommend some ideas. Plz comment and help me out.

Thats all I have to say. Love you all, yiu beautiful people. <3

A Bird and a Chat (Chat Noir/Adrian x reader)Where stories live. Discover now