Chapter 1

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***EMMA’S P.O.V.***

                “Hayes, stop! PLEASE” I cry out laughing. I was pinned to the ground as Hayes was tickling me. “I tap out!” I say, crying out of laughter. He gets off of me and I put my hands up in surrender. A grin slides across my face as I tackle him and pin him down. “Ok fine! You win!” He says defeated. “I luh yew!!!” I say innocently. “Sure you do,” He says sarcastically. We sit there on his bed for a while just laughing and talking. I lay my head on his stomach as we play videogames. Before we know it, we’re both asleep.

                Hayes and I have been best friends since fourth grade. We are currently in seventh grade and we’re thirteen. We’re next door neighbors but we’re with each other basically every day, we practically live with each other. His older brother, Nash, and my older brother, Luke, are best friends. That’s basically how Hayes and I met. Luke and Nash were always hanging out and one day, my parents couldn’t watch us, so I had to go over to the Grier’s house. Hayes and I didn’t really get along well at first because we believed in “cooties”, but eventually, we learned to love each other.


                I wake up to the sun beaming in my face. I groan and turn over; I then realize that I fell asleep on Hayes. I smile to myself and sit up careful as not to wake Hayes. I look at the clock and see that it’s 7:30 a.m. Ew way too early. I go into the bathroom and wash my face, then I head downstairs and into the kitchen. I see that Elizabeth (Mrs. Grier) has left a note on the fridge.

                                Went shopping with Anne and Skylynn. Will wont be home till night time. You guys are home alone. Try not to burn the house down.


                I go into the pantry and get out the pancake mix. I make two pancakes for each of us so in all, I made eight pancakes. I set the table and pour a glass of orange juice for everyone. I go back upstairs and into Hayes’s room. “Hayes, wake up!” I say shaking him. He groans and turns over, putting a pillow over his ears. I grab the pillow and smack him with it. “OW! What?!” he yells at me. “I made breakfast come on! Let’s wake up Nash and Luke!” I say. He groans. I sigh and sit on his stomach. “Get off!!” he mumbles. I look into his closet and see the water guns. I get up and walk to his closet. “Finally,” I hear him mumble.

                I grab the water gun and head to the bathroom. I fill the water gun up and chuckle. When I get to his room I see that he’s sleeping again. Awww, how cute! I chuckle right before I blast him in the face. He shoots up confused but really angry looking. “YOU LITTLE BITCH!!!!” I laugh and run down the stairs. He finally catches me and picks me up from behind! I scream and kick as he throws me onto the couch. He sits on my stomach. “Get off you fatty!” I yell. “Nope,” he says emphasizing the p. I pretend to cry. “UGH! FINE!” he says. He gets off and helps me up still giving me a death stare.

                “I sowwy,” I say giving him a puppy dog look. “Stop it Thompson. You know you can’t do that to me,” Hayes says as he looks away. He turns back and I continue to give him the look. He sighs and rolls his eyes. “I hate you, you know that?” I grin and chuckle, “Sure you do, Grier.” With that, I grab his hand and run to the kitchen. We sit down and eat. Luke and Nash come downstairs yawning. They sit down and start eating. “Oh yeah, our moms are out shopping with Skylynn. Oh, and Will isn’t coming home till later tonight… So we’re all alone today,” I tell them. They all just nod and continue eating.

                “Hey Ems are you gonna eat that?” Luke asks. I think about it and then decide I’m not that hungry. I shake my head no and push my plate away from me. All three boys look at each other and look back at the pancake. They all lunge for the pancake with their forks and basically fight to the death. After about five minutes Hayes just takes the plate and keeps it away from everyone else. He licks it and starts eating it happily as Luke and Nash give him the death stare. I roll my eyes and start cleaning up the table.

                I put the dishes in the sink and feel someone wrap their arms around my shoulders. It’s my brother. “What do you want?” I ask. “Will you make more pancakes?” he says trying to act innocent. I roll my eyes and get out a pan. He raises his fist in the air and yells, “YUS! I love you, sissy.” I roll my eyes and chuckle to myself. This is going to be a long day.

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