I rush to the door and head over to Harry's hotel room.

I bang my fists on his hotel room door.

"Harry open up!" I repeat a few times until the door opens.

"It's 1.00 in the morning go to sleep niall" He says rubbing his eyes.

"Harry I need to go home now!" I whisper yell.

"You can't we are on tour, go back to bed mate" He starts to close the door. I slam my hands on the door before he can close it and walk in. Him stumbling backwards a bit from my little out burst.

"What the fuck?" Harry whispers.

"A week Haz! A fucking week and She hasn't answered or returned any of my calls, voicemails, texts!" I say sliding down the wall until I'm sitting against it. Tears escape my eyes. Something has gone wrong I know it.

He closes the door and sits beside me. "I don't know Niall, you just need to calm down. I am sure she is fine, maybe she lost her phone and it's out of charge". He suggests.

"No, she knows my number she would of called me on the home phone or something!" I say rubbing my head with my hands in frustration.

He sighs. "Well what can you do? You can't leave Simon will now and you will get the sack and maybe we will all get the sack to"

"What if something happened to her though? I'm not over exaggerating either Harry, I am sure you would do the same if Sarah wasn't answering you"

"Ok you're right, plan this out. We need to double check this. Try calling her Mum or Dad and relatives even your Mum and Dad ok?!" He sighs giving in.

Why didn't I think of that!?

I take my phone out of my pocket and dial my Mums number.


"Hello Niall?" My mums voice says through the phone.

"Hi Mum, Look I'm sorry but I just need to know if anything has happened to Baileey?" I ask.

She sighs and I know that something has happened.

"Mum?" I say more tears coming out of my eyes.

The phone disconnects and I through it at the wall. Harry puts his hand on my back trying to comfort me. I get up off the floor and punch the wall trying to get rid of my anger and pain. I punch it again and my hand starts to hurt,

"Fucking hell something has happened fucking stupid phone disconnected fuck" I scream, Falling on my knees to the ground crying my eyes out.

I put my face in my hands and sob.

What happened? Where is she? Is she okay? Is all that is racing thriugh my mind.

I hear footsteps running down the hall. The door starts to knock and Harry stands up to answer it. The boys come rushing in.

"What happened?"

"We heard screaming"

"Niall are you ok?"

Harry what happened"

The boys Louis, Zayn and Liam say bombarding me and Harry with questions.

"Baileey" I hear Harry whisper to them.

Louis sits beside me. "Lets hope all is ok?" He says to me placing his arms around me pulling me closer for a hug.

The boys come and sit on the floor leaning up against the wall. I know they are crying too. They are close to Baileey especially Louis and Harry.

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