The Perfect Song

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Mr. O'Brien, this is Mel Casey. I got your message, I can fit Happy and Toby in next week. Please call me back to set up a time.

Paige sighed.

"Another pre-marital lecture? Walter, it's your call, but I'm telling you, it's a mistake."

"No," Walter started, "I thought about what you told me, and um, you were right. So I cancelled all of them."

Paige cocked her head in confusion.

"Who left the message?" she asked.

"Dance instructor," Walter explained. "You know, Happy and Toby are none too light on their feet, so I thought that they could maybe learn something nice for their first dance as husband and wife."

A smile started to spread across Paige's face.

"Walter," Paige laid her pen down and stood up, starting to walk to his desk. 

"That's-That's actually sweet."

"Oh, I also thought about what you said, regarding a wedding being a celebration of a special bond between two people. That got me thinking about Erwin Schrödinger, the father of quantum mechanics."

Paige fought the urge to roll her eyes.

"Of course it did," she sighed.

Walter continued, "Schrödinger once told a story about how he loved his wife."

Paige settled on his desk.

"Love made no scientific sense to him; he couldn't explain the bond. But he said when they stared into each other's eyes-"

Walter looked directly into Paige's, as if he wanted to say something with them.

"their consciousness must have been mathematically identical, because that's when love made sense to him, when looking into her eyes."

Paige was speechless at how much EQ Walter was showing in this moment, and it took all her strength not to pull him into a kiss that very moment.

"So since you look into someone's eyes when you dance," Walter said, "dance lessons made sense."

Paige batted her eyelids.

"Put it that way, it makes a lot of sense," she barely whispered.

Walter nodded.

"Oh, I also thought about what you said," he rose out of his chair, "about the unique characteristics of one person combining with what makes another person special into a bond that's its own amazing thing. So I picked out a wedding song that combined Toby's knowledge of biology with Happy's talents in construction and engineering."

Walter grabbed his tablet and clicked on a song.

Paige almost laughed out loud as "Dem Bones" started playing.

"Medical for Toby, and mechanical for Happy, it's-it's very you."

Walter paused for a moment, then set his tablet down.

"Perhaps we should see if it's suitable for dancing?" He held out his hand.

Paige was shocked to say the least at Walter's boldness, but she wanted nothing more than to dance with the genius.

"I guess we can test it out," she said, taking his hand, and stepping closer to him.

Her nose was immediately filled with the comforting scent that was Walter, and she wanted to just bury her face in his shirt.

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