Chapter Twelve - The Second Task

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I M P O R T A N T   N O T E: Later on in the chapter, there will be some Cedric POV! Yay! I will make sure it is very clear that the POVs have changed, so don't worry! It starts off like normal, in Caitlyn's POV, then it will change later on. I haven't decided if I will change it again, but we shall see! As Cedric said to Caitlyn, happy reading! :)

Chapter Twelve - The Second Task

Those five weeks had passed, and it was now the evening before the Second Task and my seventeenth birthday. I was sitting in the common room with Cho, talking excitedly about the task that was going to take place the next day, when Professor Flitwick walked into the common room and looked around, before he spotted me. He started to walk in my direction, dodging a paper aeroplane that had just zoomed across the room, and stood in front of me.

"Ah, there you are, Miss Rosewood. Professor McGonagall wishes to speak to you in her office," He said. I looked at Flitwick, confused, "Don't worry, you're not in trouble. Quite the contrary, actually. Now hurry along, we can't keep her waiting. You won't need your things, put them away in your dormitory and then make your way straight to Professor McGonagall's office. Thank you, and good day." With that, he walked out of the common room, leaving me behind slightly confused.

I packed my things away and put them in my dormitory, before I straightened my tie and left the common room, still feeling confused. Why would Professor McGonagall want to talk to me at this time, anyway? It was the night before the Second Task, wasn't she supposed to be helping to prepare the task and not talk to students about less important things?

I walked down the corridors, down the moving staircases and eventually I reached McGonagall's office. I knocked on the door and seconds later, it was opened. I was face to face with Hermione Granger. I smiled kindly to her as I walked in. Hermione sat down next to a young girl who reminded me very much of Fleur Delecour. Ron Weasley was also sitting down in a chair on the other side of the girl. There was a spare chair next to Ron. All the chairs everyone was sitting in were directly in front of McGonagall's desk.

"Good, now we have all of you!" McGonagall said, "Rosewood, take a seat please, next to Mr Weasley, there you go. Have a Ginger Newt." She then said, thrusting her biscuit tin out to me as I sat down next to Ron. I stuttered for a bit, but McGonagall insisted. I took a Ginger Newt from the tin and nibbled it, nervously, "Now, you may all be wondering why I have gathered you here at this hour. Well, this is because you are to be apart of the task taking place tomorrow. You are to be taken underneath the Black Lake by the Merpeople, and your assigned Champion will come and rescue you, so to speak."

"Professor," Ron Weasley piped up, "What do you mean by, 'assigned Champion'?"

"Oh yes. You are something that a certain Champion will sorely miss, as you can see there are four of you and there are four Champions. One of you for each Champion. It is certain that if you were taken away from your Champion, they would sorely miss you." McGonagall explained.

"Who's got which Champion?" Ron then asked. McGonagall sighed.

"Weasley, you are Harry's, Delecour, you are Fleur's, Granger, you are Viktor's and Caitlyn, that leaves you with Cedric." McGonagall then said, staring to sound exasperated. I almost choked on my Ginger Newt, but luckily I managed to swallow the bit I was eating before I started having a coughing fit and end up being taken to the Hospital Wing. I was something Cedric would sorely miss? There must have been some mistake, I was just his shy friend who talked to hardly anybody.

"D-Do they know we're the thing they are going to be looking for under the lake?" I then piped up. McGonagall looked exasperated, but she shook her head.

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