Chapter Four - Age Lines, Blushing and Beards

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Chapter Four - Age Lines, Blushing and Beards [EDITED]

The weekend went by fast, and Monday did too. Cedric didn't sit with me in Defence Against the Dark Arts, but I didn't mind. I was just eager to get on with my studies. I continued to sit with Fleur and sometimes Cho at mealtimes, meaning I was slowly becoming more confident around them. I helped Fleur with her work as it was all in English, and assisted Cho with any homework problems she was having. After all, it was Cho's OWL year.

On Tuesday, after school, I went into the Entrance Hall to see who was entering for the competition. I sat down on one of the benches at the side of the room. I rested my book on the history of magic open on my lap and watched as several people put their names into the Goblet. Everybody clapped when someone put their name in, no matter which school or house they were in. That was what this Tournament was about, bringing three schools together to make friends, not to bring three schools together to make enemies. As I flipped my page, I felt someone sit next to me. I looked up to see the smiling face of Cho Chang, her dark hair shining slightly in the dim blue light of the Goblet, giving it an almost watery look.

"Hello Caitlyn! We haven't talked in a while." She said, looking at the book in my lap, nodding approvingly, "Interesting. So, what brings you here?"

"I, er, I guess I just wanted to see the students put their names in. Give some moral support, you know." I replied, smiling awkwardly, "But what about you...why are you here? I thought you were doing some Potions homework."

"Still as shy as ever...although you're not stuttering around me as much, which is a good sign." Cho breathed, giving me a small smile, "Well, I have almost finished it, so I came down here because apparently Cedric Diggory is putting his name in the Goblet today, so, you know, as you say I just wanted to give some moral support." She said, slightly dreamily. I smiled. Cho admired Cedric, I couldn't blame her, he was everything a girl would want. Handsome, kind...and he smiled a lot.

"Well I guess you would want to give some moral support now because look who it is." I then said, nudging Cho's arm. She looked around to where I was looking and squealed slightly. Cedric was walking into the Entrance Hall with his friends, a small piece of parchment in hand.

"Go on Cedric, put it in!" One of his friends said, pushing him towards the Goblet. Cedric stumbled over the Age Line, laughing. He had turned seventeen already, so nothing happened to him. Cedric then took a deep breath (Cho sighed and gripped my arm), and he turned to the Goblet and put his name in. Cho clapped enthusiastically. I clapped slowly, smiling. Even though I was smiling for Cedric, I couldn't help but feel worried for him. It was a dangerous Tournament and if he was to get chosen and compete...many things could happen, for a bad reason.

Cedric then turned, to walk back to his friends, but halfway through his turn he made eye contact with me. He gave me a cute little smile before he turned quickly and dived at his nearest friend, laughing as his little group engulfed him into a hug. They all hung around at the back of the room, chatting excitedly. I couldn't help but feel a little bit triumphant. He could have chosen to smile at Cho or any of the other girls isn't he room, but he had smiled at me.

"He smiled at you!" Squealed Cho Chang from beside me, grabbing my arm into an arm lock, "You are so lucky! Do you think he likes you? A lot? Do you know what, I think he does! Cedric Diggory like likes you! Tell me your secrets!" Cho then exclaimed, giggling madly.

"Slow down, Cho."  I whispered frantically, blushing madly, "He doesn't like me like that, you know, I highly doubt it." Cho just gave me a mischievous little look.

"I beg to differ. Have you seen him lately? He looks at you a lot. I mean, a lot a lot. I've seen him in the Great Hall, you don't because you're hidden behind a book or too busy with your food." Cho then pointed out. I just raised my eyebrows. "Oh come on, you've got to admit he's attractive. If you don't believe the truth, then you should just go ahead and say he looks like a banshee or something."

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