Standing miles into the sky, the enormous creature replicated something of a gorilla and, visibly filled with rage from the entrance of the humans, it used the trees to slam into the helicopters and they fell, smashing into the bright green of the grassy jungle floor.

That was when the humans started shooting. The bullets rained down on the beast, but all it did was add to its fury. Dawson was filled with terror.

She had learned to deal with death all of her life, but there was nothing like staring into the face of immediate danger and feeling hopeless - absolutely hopeless. Conrad's voice brought her back to reality.

"Pull out! Pull out!" His booming voice roared and he slammed his hands down onto the front seat, prompting Dawson to scream: "Stop shooting at it! You think that's gonna help the situation?!"

Yet Slivko roared back "I don't take orders from you!" and they carried on shooting. The roar of the beast was tremendous. "No! You just take orders from blind leaders!" Dawson roared and as she did so, the helicopter nearest them plummeted to the ground, yet not before slamming into them.

The helicopter let out a loud shrill and Weaver screamed. The machine began to plummet "Brace yourselves!" Conrad hollered and Dawson covered her head as the helicopter shook to the floor, yet not before she felt Conrad cover her with his body and his heartbeat slamming against her back.

Dawson looked up with anger "Cover yourself Conrad!" And the pair struggled for dominance until Conrad clasped her cheeks in his hands. He placed his forehead against hers as they looked at each other, eyes filled to the brim with fear.

Conrad's blue eyes stared deep into her soul, his thumb brushed her cheek and then, just as the helicopter was about to crash he said "Sophia, I have to tell you something-" and then they landed with a sickening thud.

Skull Island • 11:23am

Dawson jolted awake. The first thing's she felt were liquid on her forehead, the pounding of her brain and the overwhelming urge to fall asleep.

Fatigue had swept over her like a wave and she was just about to close her eyes again when she turned her eyes down and found the ceiling of the helicopter.

She was upside down. That was when she felt her belt digging into her thighs and heard the ringing in her ears. The sound of Weaver shouting her name brought her back. "Fûck..." Dawson hissed, raising her hand to her forehead and pulling it back - seeing red.

Okay, she told herself, do I feel fine? She sat upside down for a second. No I feel like shît, she concluded.

Well that's because you're upside down, she figured, and realising that it made sense, she turned to her right and saw that there was no Conrad.

She began to panic, her heart slammed against her chest and her breathing began to quicken. He's dead! She concluded. He's gone, holy shît he's gone.

Dawson never believed she would see the day. She always assumed that she'd die first or they'd die together in battle, it was what she preferred, she knew she couldn't handle the grief of losing him and having to live by herself. Without her partner.

"Conrad?" She questioned to Weaver, and just as Weaver was about to open her mouth, a familiar voice found her ears.

"Dawson!" And she turned to the sound and she almost cried. "Holy shît!" She cried, seeing a ghost. "I fully just spent the last 40 seconds coming to terms with your death...why am I still upside down?"

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