Tarot Spread: Zodiac Spread

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Zodiac Archetypes Tarot Spreads

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Zodiac Archetypes Tarot Spreads

Aries the Ram (Pioneer)
1. Hindleg–What is holding you back
2. Horn–What to continue doing
3. Horn–What to start doing
4. Nose–Future

Taurus the Bull (Nature Spirit)
1. Head–Obstacle
2&3. Horns–Potential outcomes
4. Shoulder–How to proceed

Gemini the Twins (Oracle)
1&2. Hearts–2 conflicting desires
3. Head–Advice
4. Feet–Future/how to proceed

Cancer the Crab (Mother)
1. Shell–What you hide
2. Eyes–Environmental responses
3. Claw–Past
4. Claw–Future

Leo the Lion (King)
1. Mane–Pride
2. Teeth–Fierceness
3. Body–Your effect on others
4. Tail–Adaptibility

Virgo the Virgin (Healer)
1. Head–Logical path
2. Heart–Emotional obstruction
3&4. Hands–Potential futures

Libra the Scales (Peacemaker)
1. Base–Issues influencing you
2. Fulcrum–Advice for decision
3&4. Scales–2 choices

Scorpio the Scorpion (Witch)
1. Tail–Where your power lies
2. Head–How to confront issues
3. Pincer–Past
4. Pincer–Future

Sagittarius the Archer (Explorer)
1. Arrow–Destination
2. Bow–Discovery
3. Man–Where to find strength
4. Horse–How to stay grounded

Capricorn the Water Goat (Father)
1. Tail–Past influences
2. Body–Current issue
3. Head–Advice from the spirit
4. Horns–How to address the issue

Aquarius the Water Bearer (Rebel)
1. Vessel–What you hold back
2. Woman–How you are viewed
3. Water–What to express
4. Snake–Temptations

Pisces the Fish (Dreamer)
1. Head–First option for path following
2. Tail–Outcome if followed
3. Head–Second option for path following
4. Tail–Outcome if followed

(original tarot spreads by harvest-moon-mystic.

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