Chapter 6 - Unspoken

Start from the beginning

"Okay guys, in five minutes it'll be midnight so the security guard should be heading to get coffee in one of the other rooms so then you'll have five minutes to get in their, get the name, and get out. Also we have to switch the comm's off because we can't risk getting caught" Kat instructed.

"Got it," Hale and Bex said in unison as they heard their comms click off.

Bex wore a loose black v-neck, black skinny jeans, and black combat boots. Her stick straight hair was pulled up in a high ponytail which accentuated her high cheekbones.

She glanced at Hale in his snug black tee and rolled her eyes at how good his biceps looked.



"Why'd you roll your eyes at me?"

"I didn't."

"You did."

"You're seeing things."

"Maybe you were checking me out?"

Bex let out a dramatic scoff while Hale smirked at her.

"You have some nerve," she pursed her lips.

"Oh really," Hale stepped closer.

"Ugh get away."

"You don't like me?"

"Not at all."

"That hurts," Hale pouted, putting both hands over his heart.

"It's time," Bex said, ignoring Hale and gesturing to the watch on her hand.

They quickly made their way up the steep stairs and onto the lower level of the museum. Bex immediately started towards the right.

"It's to the left," Hale whispered grabbing Bex's elbow and steering her in the other direction.

Bex felt the blood rush to her face and wanted to smack herself for making such a mistake. She wanted Hale to know she was good, not just someone who made simple errors.

Once they entered the room Bex looked up at the massive clock.

"We probably have like two minutes so hurry up," Bex rushed Hale as he searched through the cabinets for the file.

After ruffling through some papers Hale finally pulled out the binder. He quickly opened it and flipped through it to find the name.

"Malashonak," Hale breathed, "The Malashonak family."

"Okay, hurry up let's go," Bex watched as Hale slammed the binder shut and placed it back in the cabinet he had retrieved it from.

They ran out of the room and as quickly as they could down the steep stairs.

Suddenly the pair heard a pair of loud footsteps.

"Hey guys, I hear someone down there!" A deep voice boomed.

"Crap," Hale murmured.

Panic siezed Bex by the throat. She mentally counted the milliseconds it was taking her to come up with an excuse. Finding none and knowing her time was up, she looked into Hale's frantic blue eyes, which weren't nearly as frenzied as they should have been. He took one look down the dusty hall, another at Bex's face, and did the unexpected.

Hale's lips came crashing down onto Bex's. Sweet, urgent, and pleading. Although Bex was extremely inclined to slap him, she momentarily became lost in the desperate kiss Hale had wound them up in. An uninvited flame burned within Bex, and she did not mind it when Hale's hands traveled down her spine and then back up, bracing the back of her neck.

Hale could almost forget that they were on a job, if it weren't for the enormous amounts of adrenaline and fear surging through his body.

Footsteps rounded the corner. A flashlight was pointed. Shouting became clear.

And just like that, the connection was broken, the pair stepped away from each other awkwardly, in character, and Bex had the lies rolling off her tongue like a pro.


"What did you say to them?" Macey's wide eyes stared at Bex as she took off her boots.

"I told them that we were just two teenagers who wanted somewhere private to 'talk' and we found the shaft leading to the basement," Bex said for the umpteenth time.

"I can't believe you two didn't get in trouble," Kat nibbled on her fingernail.

"We were fine," Bex crawled into the big bed.

She was disappointed in herself for getting caught. She knew she was better than that. But Bex was more disappointed for not being able to tell Macey about the kiss. Bex knew that the kiss was just to help the story they needed to tell the guards. She knew Hale had a good reason for kissing her, yet she couldn't tell Macey.


A few hours later a very tired Hale padded into the kitchen of the suite. After absentmindedly looking through the small but fully stocked fridge he slammed it close.

"Hungry?" Hale jumped, startled at the sound of Bex's voice.

"Couldn't sleep," He grumbled.

"I can't believe we made it out of that," Bex sighed.

"My quick thinking helped," Hale smirked.

"Oh whatever," Bex responded, rolling her eyes.

"You're hot when you're angry," Hale took a step closer to her, his voice husky.

Bex felt her breath quicken, and she took a step back only to find herself pressed against the kitchen counter. No. No. No. She could not be in this situation with Hale. There's no way she could do that to Macey.

"Really?" Bex's voice came out as barely a whisper.

"Really." Hale replied, pressing his lips to hers.

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