The Goodnight Kiss

Start from the beginning

"Well, it's starting to fade a little. I can't remember exactly."

She moves to within an inch or two of me.

"How about I give you a little reminder?"

All I can do to that is smile and she leans the rest of the way in to kiss me. Just then, the bell for the elevator dings and I step back uncomfortably.

It's a good thing I did too.


"Hey sis..."

Buffy looks back and forth between both of us strangely. Faith decides to break the sudden silence.

"Fancy meeting you here B."

"Yeah, it's almost like I live here or something."

She's leaving pretty late.

"Where are you off to?"

My sister faces me, a slight smile on her face.

"I was feeling a little pent up at home. Thought I'd go for a little patrol."

Her eyes turn to Faith.

"Wanna join me F?"

Faith and I glance at each other for a second and I can't help but feel a little uncomfortable at the idea of Faith and my sister patrolling together.

There's no telling what they'd talk about together. They can't talk about work forever.


My eyes meet Faith's again for a second.

"I could use a good slay."

I can only imagine what she means by that.

It's only seconds later that my sister looks between Faith and I again.

"Well let's go. You gonna be okay alone Dawn?"

Am I gonna be okay alone?

I roll my eyes at her.

"I think I can handle myself."


Buffy closes the distance between us and puts her arms around me in a hug. I return the hug, my eyes on Faith almost pleadingly for the short hug. Buffy and I let go of each other, then Buffy moves towards the apartment building's front door slightly. There's a sudden moment of uncomfortable silence between Faith and I when our eyes meet.

Now I have no idea what to do. I want to kiss her good night, but I can't do that in front of my sister. It'd cause way too many questions by Buffy than I want to answer. I'm not ready to let my sister know about where Faith and I are going. Where I think we're going anyway.

"All right, well, I'll see ya later babe."

Faith walks up to me and I'm not sure what to do. She on the other hand puts her arms around me and hugs me, so I hug her back. To keep Buffy from hearing, I turn my head into Faith's ear and whisper.

"Don't tell Buffy anything..."

A couple seconds later, Faith whispers back to me.


Then we pull back and I smile at Faith. I watch as Faith turns towards Buffy and the door, going up next to my sister. Buffy has a slightly confused look on her face.

"You guys are hugging now?"

Oh, no...

Faith looks at my sister, confused.

"Yeah, we're friends. You got a problem with that B?"

Buffy's expression turns to slightly annoyed.

"No, I'm just a little surprised. I don't think I've ever seen you hug anyone Faith."

The girl I just made out with less than an hour ago backhands my sister playfully on the arm.

"Well, news flash B. There's a lot of things you've never seen me do. If you're feeling left out though blondie."

Faith opens her arms with a big fake smile in the direction of my sister. They both have funny expressions on their faces and I have to smile but hold back from laughing at it. My sister holds up her hand like a stop sign.

"That's okay, I'll pass."

At Buffy's words, Faith puts her arms down and smiles in my direction.

"I'll see ya later kid."

She called me kid. I'll let it go though since it's in front of Buffy.

All I do is wave at her.

"Don't stay up too late Dawn."

The elevator door starts to close and I stop it.


I turn around and go into the elevator, leaving my sister and my almost kinda sorta girlfriend alone on the main floor of the apartment building. The doors close as I see Buffy and Faith turning away and making their way to the front door. Leaning back against the wall of the elevator, I let out a deep breath.

Well, at least she's not going to tell Buffy about us. Even though I'm not completely sure there is an 'us' exactly. I mean, we've done the making out thing, which pretty much confirms that the whole movie thing was a date. But are there going to be more of them? Was this just a one time thing? Or are we dating now? The only thing I know for sure right now is that Faith isn't going to say anything to my sister about what happened at the movies today. Unless it comes up by accident during patrol or something. I really hope that doesn't happen.

The elevator stops and the doors open onto the third floor. Walking out, I head for my door, pulling out my keys.

Not that I can do much about it now that they're gone and I'm here at home.

My keys slide into the lock and I open the door, going inside.

They're going to be talking a lot. Buffy used to tell me about how she and Faith used to talk about this, that and the other thing while they were slaying. What if the other thing ends up being the Faith and I thing somehow? That would be more than I can handle right now. It's hard enough dealing with the idea that I'm at the very least bi-sexual, I don't need my sister breathing down my neck asking all sorts of questions about why I didn't tell her.

I don't have any reason not to trust Faith though. She's been nothing but good to me and made me feel comfortable in what's happening. Faith said that she wouldn't tell Buffy anything about us, and I know I can trust that. As long as nothing strange happens that would make Faith blurt it out for some reason, everything should work out fine. Faith and I can keep seeing each other and we can keep figuring out what it is that's between us. Or I can figure it out. Or we can figure it out.

I walk over to my room and go in, unbuttoning my blouse as I go. Shrugging my shoulders as soon as all the buttons are undone, I take my blouse off and enjoy the cool air on my mostly naked skin. Slowly, I head over to my bed, throwing my blouse onto the chair next to my desk as I do.

I can trust Faith, I know I can.

I unzip the half zipper on Buffy's skirt I borrowed, loosening it to take it off.

Now all I have to do is figure out what exactly it is I'm trusting her with.

Now all I have to do is figure out what exactly it is I'm trusting her with

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