9 | Love on the Brain

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No matter what I do, I'm no good without you.

It's been weeks since the horrible beating I received. The bruises are almost gone. And Nate has been taking care of me since l left the hospital. But that isn't enough. I plan on breaking up with him when he gets back from the studio.

I made an plan on what I'm going to do after. I didn't want to go back to my parent because they are brats and I can't deal with them. But Larissa said I can move into the quest room. So that's pretty great.

I was currently scrolling through my twitter feed. Mostly people ranting about other people.

I heard the door open. I looked up and Derek, Nate, and Swazz walk in. I sighed. How am I going to end things when they are here.

"Hey Savannah" Derek said waving at me. I smiled and waved back.

"Oh shit who did that to your face" Swazz said walking over Ronnie and examining my face. I pushed him away and looked at Nate.

"This girl I fought she was big ass hell so she won" I lied still staring at Nate.

"Damn" he said sitting down.

"You alright though right" he said wrapping his arm around me. Swazz has always cared for me. He was there when Nate and I was going through some problems.

"Yea thanks" I said smiling at him. He smiled and put his hand in my thigh.

"Ok Swazz move your damn hand" Nate yelled walking over to us.

"Don't touch my girlfriend" he said. I looked up at him. Oh he makes me so mad.

"Ex-Girlfriend" I said getting up. His face went soft.

"I'm so done with this. I'm done with this relationship. I'm done with you. I'm so fucking done. You treat me like shit. You hit me. You do the absolute worst to me. I should not be treated this way. I am a good women that deserves way better than you. You go out stay out all night probably sleeping around while I sit here and trust you. Every single day I pray to god that you will change back into that sweet loving Nate you used to be. But no it doesn't happen and I finally realized that it will never happen. So this is is over" I yelled tears falling down my face like crazy. Nate just stood there not knowing what to do or say. I chuckled and walked to the room. I grabbed my bags that I packed last night and this morning.

I walked back out and everyone was still where they were. I put on my slippers and grabbed my phone and keys.

"Good luck to the next bitch that has to put up with you" I said opening the door. I walked out and slammed the door behind me. I sobbed as I walked down the hall. I'm really doing this I'm really getting away from all the pain. I felt somewhat relieved by the thought but so hurt because I'm losing the love of my life.

I got into the elevator and went down. I got off onwce it hit the ground. I walked it to my car and put my stuff in. I called Larissa and told her I was coming over. I put the phone down and started the car and drove off.


It's been a few days without Nate and I just can't. I'm so used to being around all the time. Not all the time but yea. He's been blowing up my phone but I blocked his number so my phone isn't ringing every there seconds.

Love on the Brain // MaloleyWhere stories live. Discover now