1 | Love on the Brain

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And you got me like 'oh, what you want from me'


Me and Nate have been together since the start of high school. He was a sweetheart the start of our relationship. He gave me the world and I loved him for that.

Now I don't know what happened to him. He'll be out all hours of the night having me worried. When he does stay home all he does is smoke weed and play 2k.

He never wants to spend time with me. And when he does it's just sex. We don't make love anymore. It's just meaning less sex. But it's still good though.

We had some rough times in our relationship. One night he came home really drunk. I tired helping him but he ended up beating the living shit out of me. That was the first time ever where he laid his hands on me in the wrong way.

In that moment I knew I should have left his ass but six years is hard to give up just like that. And plus I really love him. You wouldn't want to leave someone you really love. Right?

"Are you leaving" I asked Nate as he picked up his bag.

"Yea I'm going to the studio with Derek and Swazz" he said walking over to me.

"I'll see you when I get back" he said leaning down and kissing my temple.

"I love you" I said as he pulled away.

"Yea I'll be back tonight" he said walking to the door. I smiled and nodded. He winked and opened the door then left.

That was it. That's all I get before i don't see him until the morning then he leaves again. It's like a cycle and I'm used to it.

I got up with my plate walking to the kitchen. I put it in the sink and turned off the light. I walked down the hall to our room.

I walked in and walked over to my dresser to pick out something to wear. I found a pair of ripped jeans and a black tank top.

I went over to my closet and found my stussy jacket. Then I found my white low top vans. I put the stuff on and went into the bathroom to do my makeup.

My friends want me to come to the mall with them. I've known them all my life. They know how rough me and Nates relationship is but they support it. They told me once that I should leave him but I wasn't feeling it.

Once I got done doing my makeup I grabbed my phone and purse. I walked out the room and to the front door. I grabbed the keys and left.

My phone started to ring. I looked at it and it was Nate. I smiled because phone calls from him at this time of day is so freaking rare. I picked it up holding it up to my ear.

"Hey" I said softly.

"Hey babe" he said. There was loud music in the back referring that he was at the studio.

"What's up" I said getting on the highway.

"Can you come to the studio" he asked.

"Nah I'm meeting up with the girls" I said.

"What girls do I know them. Are you telling me this to make me think that your hanging with girls but you're really about to go meet up with a boy" he said making me roll my eyes.

"No Nate" I sighed.

"So you're telling me that hanging with your girls is more fun then hanging with me" he said.

"Nah Nate it's just that i haven't seen them in forever" I said.

"Babe please come spend time with me" he said.

"I promised the girls Nate I'm sorry" I said almost reaching the mall.

"Damn it Savannah I don't care bring your ass to this damn studio right fucking now or you got what fucking coming for you" he yelled over the phone. The outbreak made me slow down and pull over.

"Nate please I just want to spend time with my girls" I said tears filling my eyes. It's been a while since he went off on me like this.

"I don't fucking care bring your ass over here now" he said. I hung up the phone on him and threw in the seat.

Tears slipped out my eyes as I got off at an exit. I can't let him control me like this. He's not my father nor will he ever be. But I'm scared he will hurt me again.

I called my friends and told them I can't make it. They were sad but understood. I hung up the phone and started to drive to the studio.


This chapter was got me feeling good. This book about to wild so stay tuned. Hoped you like this chapter.

Excuse errors

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Love on the Brain // MaloleyWhere stories live. Discover now