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  • Dedicated to Angel. Ever read this, you know who you are.

I shuddered. Lyle's voice smoothly called up the stairs for me to go down and please make him some breakfast. He used the absolute dreaded word please. That word even tasted horrible coming from my mind.

I pulled on a pair of dark torn jeans and a half nice teeshirt. There was nothing I could do to my hair because I left my brush in the bathroom, which I was forbidden to use durring the day. Tugging my fingers slightly through my hair I carefully made my way down the makeshift stairs.

"Seth" My stomach cringed as I heard his voice again, "Can't you put your hair up yet?" He saounded almost impatient.

"no" I couldn't say much more before I got myself into trouble.

"Go brush it then," He gestured to the bathroom I was banned from.

Anger bubbled in my stomach as I saw his thin lips crook up into a seething smile. The smile he knew he wasn't hiding anything behind.

I stepped backward making sure he wouldn't come for me. Heading down the hallway I still didn't loosen. The number one rule I have even made for myself, Don't loosen up in this house, it'll hurt. I ran my fingers through my hair once again. There was really nothing I could do in determining if it was sutible for 'father'. With every moment I was in the downstairs hall bath, I took a breath to regain my berrings. Everything the past few days had thrown me off balance. The balance between 'crazy man' and 'nice person' never even crossed each other. Until now. When will it stop, and when can I get back to being the skittish starving little sh*t that I never thought I would even remotely miss.

"Seth!" he had to clear his throat after he called out "Come out here, you've been gone a while."

That wasn't entirly true. I had only been in there a few minutes before he called again.

"Don't make me come back there to get you" he warned.

I deffinitely didn't want that. Slowly I walked out toward him seeing the mischivious look on his worn drunken features. The way he stood leaning against the hall told me that I was in for an incredibly weird day.

"Seth! Come help me! I got groceries!"

Again? Every time Lyle wanted 'mom' out of the house, he'd tell her to go get groceries. Intentionally wanting time alone with me, he'd find something she missed, yell at her. When she succumbed and appologiesed, he'd forgive her, kiss her, and send her on her way. She soon got the idea and only stayed out twenty or thirty minutes at most. Usually she'd get extra and use that as an excuse to get me near her. She'd always try to protect me wherever, whenever she could. She just had a hard time trying to show it because 'father' never let her help me.

I slipped by the booze saturated, beer gutted man against the wall. He didn't try to reach for me now that 'mom' was 'home'. I could smell the second beer of the morning and it was only nine. How he was still alive was a marvle to me.

"I need you to take this inside and then come out again to meet this young man"

My eyes snapped up to a pair of emerald green gems gleeming in the morning sun. I scowled.

"Oh come on" She whispered to me, "You could use some company," her fightened look tried to soften, "Ill take the heat for this one if it comes down to it" she stood in front of me with a hopeful little smirk on her face, "Please don't say anything, maybe he is getting better, you never know. Just, stay out as long as possible" she walked back inside.

"Hi, me- uh... My name is Aiden" he seemed perplexed. He almost looked like an angel. His features were chisled but his face was soft. Perfect. Too perfect.

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