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Sheryl’s POV (Short chapter)

There was no understanding of what was going through his mind. He sat down quietly and forked up some of his salad. The small smile he gave almost looked genuine, but I could tell the difference. There was a difference between genuine, and genuinely cunning. He took a sip of his beer while he looked at me with smoldering eyes. On any normal day, that would be gorgeous, but his eyes were smoldering quietly for another different and horrible reason.

A knot filled my stomach as he sat almost peacefully. Seth had hardly touched her food. The way she sat looked as if she was almost ready to jump up and run any chance she got.

“Seth dear, eat something, you must be famished”

I saw her eyes snap up to Lyle’s. It was he who said exactly what I would have said if I had the chance to. The same sweet words that came out of his mouth weren’t allowed to come out of mine and it was utterly unfair.

The knot twisted roughly again  as if two opposing hands went at a wet rag. I had to excuse myself. I had wondered what it would be like for Seth to sit there and listen to something that had never come out of Lyle's mouth before.

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