"Yeah, he's a 'traitor' of the leaf but he's really not all that bad, he likes to joke around a lot. Most of it with killing people but it's really hard to tell if he's joking or not." I shrugged.

"He always looks so pissed off." Toru laughed.

"Can you both shut up." Sasuke growled.

"Don't pay attention to him, he's always like that. It's best if you ignore him." I shrugged.

"Yoshiro I know this isn't my business, but I've been wondering this for a while now... why do you speak like that?" he asked causing some of the rookie nine and the jounins to look back at us in worry.

"Yoshiro was taught to speak like this." I shrugged.

"Like raised?" he asked.

I nodded causing him to furrow his brows.

"You were raised to have no backbone and to talk about yourself as if you are inferior? Why would your family raise you like that?" he asked in disgust.

"Yoshiro is inferior, he knows. It's okay though, he's learned to accept it." I smiled.

"Stop. Don't smile and act as if everything is okay. I don't know who told you that you had to talk like that but they can kiss my ass. You are a human being Yoshiro. You can talk anyway you want. You don't have to refer to yourself by using your name." Toru growled.

"It's okay really. Yoshiro doesn't really want to be punished anymore for disobeying their rules, just let it go. Alright?" I frowned looking at the ground for a while before looking back up.

Toru looked up and glared at Kakashi and the others causing them to take a step back.

"You are the worst broth....." Toru started.

"Toru, stop. It' wasn't Kakashi. It was Snake and Four Eyes." I sighed.

"Who?" he asked looking at me.

"A man named Orochimaru and a boy named Kabuto. Yoshiro can't say their names but they're the reasons why he is the way he is." Kakashi frowned.

"Well don't listen to them Yoshiro. Don't give them the satisfaction of winning. You're no longer in their grasps, don't let them control you still. If you keep acting that way they'll think they still have power over you." he sighed.

"Yoshiro can't help it. They'd kill him for sure if they caught him speaking different." he frowned.

"That's your problem Yoshiro. You can't show them that you're scared of them. By giving them what they want, you're showing them that they can still control and manipulate you. If you would grow a backbone and stand up for yourself they might leave you alone, and if not, that's why you're training. Even if you decide to do all of this training, if you face them the way you are mentally, not physically, you won't be able to fight them." he frowned.

"What should Yoshiro do about it? He doesn't know what he's supposed to do. This is all he knows." I frowned.

"Well you can start by talking differently. Get used to talking normal and that'll be the first sign that you're not totally scared of them." he smiled.

"Are you sure that'll work?" I asked.

"Positive. If you get used to talking normal, you'll learn to stick up for yourself...and you'll sound more intimidating." he smiled.

"Alright. Yoshi.....I will give it a shot." I smiled.

The rookie nine minus Sasuke, and the jonin smiled at us and continued walking. I started feeling a little uneasy, I wasn't sure why though. It was probably because we're getting closer to where I was held captive, but I have this weird feeling in my gut saying that something bad is going to happen soon. I felt someone staring at me, so I looked around the group. They were all busy talking to their groups, Naruto and Toru were talking so it wasn't them. I continued to look around the area to make sure no one was following us. As I looked around I noticed some bushes nearby move slightly, so I stopped walking. The others didn't notice and kept walking, I turned towards the bush and pulled a kunai out before taking a step closer to the bush and aiming my kunai at it.

The Monster's Wish...(A Naruto Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora