Well no reason to act so silly Lilly! It was a business expedition after all!

But the storm in my head didnt't quiet down.

It evolved into a whirlwind of passion and feelings and forbidden desires which made want to turn around and rush towards him and also to leave this place and never look back!

Concentrate Lilly! You are at work!This is not the hot desert of the African land! This is the orderly world of London which has no place for silly desires and overly emotional females!

The files. Oh yes.

Willing myself I got to work and sorted the files alphabetically. Sighing in relief I lifted the box of files and deposited it on his desk.

'All done sir!' I grinned up at him

'Adequate' came his cool,curt reply. Bending down he stuffed the letter he had been examining in the lowest part of his drawer and directed his attention to the box of files.

For several minutes he leafed through the files. And for all those minutes my mind played a reel of forbidden images-

His eyes, dark and proud his mouth curving around mine

His tongue tracing the contour of my lips

My hands soft and small tugging at his shirt

The messy double bed

The weight of his body on mine

The feels! The traitorous need in the bottom of my belly!

I tried! Bloody hell! I tried but it was impossible to not be sucked down into the vortex! I was glad his head had been down if he had looked up he would have seen the deep red blush coating my skin from the neck up. Even my tan skin couldn't have been my saviour!

But you know how it goes...after a few moments he did glance up.

Not fair life blast you!

He had been about to say something but stopped short.

I stared at him.

He stared back eyes narrowed by a minisucle of an inch.

There was a tension in the air.

Oh yes there was. An energy crackling making my throat go dry and making my hands clammy and sweaty ! Belatedly I noticed that this sort of nervous failure had started happening a lot since we returned from- No!

Bloody hell!

He went back to leafing through the files.I heaved a sigh of relief. A very audible sigh of relief mind you.

'Something wrong Mr.Linton?'

'Uh..no sir hahahah '

After a few minutes after he was done he did glance up. For some reason his stare seemed more intense and darker than before. His eyes bored deep into and I had the uncanny feeling that he could stare right into my soul and sense all the unfeminist and sinful thoughts rampaging my mind!

'So why exactly had you been examining the files of the egyptian expedition sir?'

'They needed to be compiled for the annual report Mr.Linton' He replied his gaze never leaving me and heating my ears up in an unfeminist shade of red! Damn!

Clearing my throat I lifted the box up and dumped it in a far corner of the room. Standing up I turned around and strolled back to his desk. The air crackled with delicious tension.

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