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Where is Rena? I looked at my phone to see what time it is.


School starts in 5 minutes. She's never been this late. She's usually the first one here. I texted her.

Rena where r u?

I sighed as I looked at my screen, revealing all the unanswered texts I sent her.

I hope she's okay. This is not like her.

"Did you hear?" I heard someone tell another person.

"Yeah... But I don't think it's true though. Why would Rena kill herself?"

My stomach dropped.

She what?

I turned around in my seat, "Where did you hear that?"

They looked with big eyes at me and then the blonde one, Kaylee, answered me, "It's only rumors. She's probably just sick."

I nodded. People at school tend to make up the most creative rumors.

I almost laughed at my sillyness. Of course Rena won't kill herself. I should've known that. What kind of best friend am I?


After school, I decided to pay Rena a visit. I frowned when I saw her mother's car parked in front of the house. Why isn't she at work?

I rang the bell. No answer.

A weird feeling of paranoia creeped in my insides.

I rang the bell again.

The door swung opened revealing a choatic mess.

"What do you want?!"

Rena's mother asked rudely, shocking me. She's usually very nice and always smiled.

Her make-up was smudged and her clothes sat loosely and wrinkly on her. She had a bottle of vodka in her hand. I had a feeling that it wasn't her first bottle.

"Uhm... Good afternoon, Miss White. I just came to see Rena," I gave a weak smile.

"You came to see Rena, huh?" She took a swig of vodka and swiped some off her chin. She started having a fit of laughters.

I frowned,"Yes, I did. May I come in?"

Her mom shook her head, "No you may not." There was a pause of silence and she continued, "Rena is dead."

Before I could react, she slammed the door in my face.

I stood on the porch, shocked.

Is this some nightmare?

I sunk down, suddenly losing all my strength. Tears made its way, rolling down on my cheeks, unable to stop.

Anger for her and myself came flooding in.
Why did she do this?
Why wasn't I there for her?

Regret and sadness also made itself known.
If only I was a better friend...
I will never see her again...

My heart ached, knowing what she went through



Without anyone's help
Without my help

What kind of friend am I?

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