Chapter 1

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© 2014 Beth1976
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 1

Aliyah Green stared at the madman in front of her. Seated on the arm chair in the corner of the room. Where in hell was she, they were up very high, she established that from the window, she could see the sky and even the ocean. What could he want with her now? "Isaac, untie me please. My hands are sore"

"Aliyah do you really think your in any position to ask for anything? Ha?" she was starting to panic again.

"What is it exactly that you want? How long is this madness going to go on for?" she wanted him to see how ludicrous he was being.

"Let's see, I want you, I want us, and I want you to be punished for once again being disloyal to me" What in gods name was he on about?

"I'm sorry what? "

"It's simple Ali, really it is. I want you, I want to fuck you, I want to touch you and I want to hurt you. Simple enough for you to understand. You held a gun to me, you chose the family who betrayed you and made you lose a year of your life, over me. I gave you the chance kid and you fucked up" Shit this was bad, real bad

"Isaac, I chose my family so nobody else died.. I chose my family because you didn't believe a word I said to you until you heard it for yourself. You weren't so loyal to me when you accused me of plotting to kill you, you weren't so loyal to me when you fucked the twins or when you fucked Mia or when you fucked that whore or when you had Claudia in our house. Where the hell is your loyalty? You want to judge and punish me...Hypocritical much?" she wanted to get him to see reason.

"I fucked up, I'll admit that" he said quietly, she looked at him and her heart skipped a beat. He was a hot piece of work, he had grown a very neat goatee over the passed year and it added to his looks. Another asset to add to his hotness list.

"Please untie me" she asked him again. He walked over to her and released her binds. Rubbing her wrists she eyed him out as he undid the binds at her ankles. Once he was done he moved and returned to his seat. "Thank you" try being civil Ali, see how that works out for you

"Promise me you'll behave" was he for real?

"Where are we?" she asked avoiding his command.

"Very far away, now promise me you'll behave"

"I'll not promise you a thing, once again you force me away from my life and start demanding things. No Isaac, I will not be promising you anything expect if you don't rethink this, I will never forgive you" he laughed at her. She glared at him as she stood to stretch her body.

"Oh baby, again thinking like you have a choice. Listen carefully Ali, I am going to keep you here until you learn your place. Your place is in my bed, when you accept the fact that you belong to me, then and only then will I think about letting you out. Until then my dear, it's you in this room all alone" Oh shit this was no good. Her hysteria was rising.

"Then I'll be dead in this room. You can go to hell if you think for a second I will give in to you. Your a spiteful bastard. Accept the fact that I would rather die than be here with you. So do your worst Isaac, I don't care" she was losing self control. He was freaking her out with his behavior, she had thought he was a bit much before, now he just appeared down right crazy.

"As you wish, I'll be up later, maybe you need some time alone to ponder your thoughts." His face was dark and dangerous, She saw his eyes change, she knew that look, he was downright pissed at her. She watched him as he left the room locking the door behind him. Oh my god, she thought, what was she going to do now?

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