Chapter 5

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"Oh.. Hey babe. About time you're awake." I awoke and saw Adam leaning over me.. I wasn't in my bed but I was in Adams.. At his house. What was I doing there? "Hey." I said faintly. "You got SUPER drunk last night so everything you dreamed about was a lie.. I didn't do anything to you." he kissed my head and layed beside me. "I didn't say you did anything Adam. Tell me what you did. Since you're acting like I'm blaming you.." I hissed at him. He looked at me he grabbed me by my stomach, picked me up and sat me on his lap. "If I did tell you what I did to you last night. You'd call the cops on me. And Micheal. So if I were you. I'd be glad I have my boyfriend. Got it?" he pushed me backward with force and sent me rolling on the ground. I didn't try this time to sit back up. I know he'd do something worse to me. He leaned over the bed smiling at me. "But I do know this. You loved what I did last night. You said my name a lot." he winked at me then got off the bed. So wait! Does this mean we did the business? And why would I call the cops on him and Micheal? So many questions run threw my mind. Yet I have no one who can answer them. I watched as Adam took off his clothes and put on new ones he's just bought. "Get off the floor! You're not a dog.. All though you are a bitch!" he laughed. I slowly got up and sat on his bed looking down at my feet. Adam sat beside me and looked in my eyes. I tryed looking away but it wasn't easy at all. Everytime I looked away he always grabbed my face with such anger and such... I don't know.. "Laurel, you need to get your stuff or whatever you have here. 'Cause I got to go to work in a few and I need to take you home. I called your parents and they know you stayed the night here." he looked at me with soft eyes. Almost caring.. Wow that's different.. "Oh.. Okay. Well am I going to be able to see you tonight?" I asked. "Nope. You're free of me until tomorrow." he said with anger. I have to ask him the big question. And no not the 'Will You Marry Me' question. The one when I ask him why he's soo sweet one moment and then the next.. It's like a demon came and took him away from me. And I don't like that. I got up the courage to ask him. "Adam? I have a question.." I told him firmly. "What hun?" he said to me. "Ok. Well how come you are nice to me one minute and then the next you are just the biggest jerk in the world? Like you hit me and you push me. But I never do anything to you. I love you with all my heart and I don't deserve this.." I told him in a hushed tone. He looked at me. His eyes all red and puffy. Not from sadness but from anger. I slowly backed up from him. He started to ball up his fists. And he started huffing and puffing. No he wasn't going to blow the house down. I started to walk back instead of hiding it. I didn't care if he saw me trying to escape him. Then I turned fast and started to run. "Come back here Laurel! Now! I got something to show you!" he said running after me. I slipped down on a towel on the floor. I got up fast and went into the bathroom locking the door behind me. He started banging on the door really hard. "Dammit! Let me in! Come on baby! Please?" he said crying. I began to sob into my arms.. I backed up from the door and got away from it as far as I could. I stayed in there for about 2 hours. I finally heard him bang on it one last time. "Damn you! You made me mad! And I missed fucking work cause of you! Good going bitch!" he cursed at me. I said nothing to him. I heard his foot steps get lower and lower. That means he went downstairs. But for what? I hope he didn't have anything that will able him to open the door. That would be hell for me. After about 10 minutes I heard his foot steps again. And I heard him messing with the doornob frantically. The hairs on my neck stood up fast. "I'm comming for you baby! Don't you worry!" he said laughing. "Please Adam! Don't hurt me! Please!" I begged him.. But he finally got the door opened.. "Hey! Come here!" he yelled at me smiling. He grabbed me and took my back to his room. And locked the door behind him. he slammed me on the floor. "OUCH! Adam! What did I do? Please don't.." I kept begging I was so scared and didn't want to get hurt. "Let's see... What should we do?" he asked laughing hard. "How about THE GAME!" Adam knew I hated the game.. It was horrible.. Remeber what 'the game' was? Well, if you don't remeber..  He had some rope under his bed and he tied my hands up on the poles of his bed.. I could move.. I just coulnd't get up. He started to hit me and told me things.. "God Laruel! You never learn do you?! Why can't you just do things right?" he said to me laughing. He got on me and kissed me telling me he loved me and he wated to spend the rest of his life with me. "Baby I only hit you to teach you a lesson. To teach you not to disrespect me." he smiled and hugged me. "I don't think I love you anymore Adam. Please get off of me." I told him firmly. "What? What? Am I hearing things? No! You are staying here! You were being bad! Shut the fuck up and listen to me!" he punched me in the stomach with all his might. I lost my breath and started to choke. "Ad-Ah..Adam.. Ple-please.. Stoop!" I begged him to stop doing this to me. I didn't understand what I did to him. "Laruel! You're bad! You ask stupid questions! You should be punished for this! I do this becuase I love you! Now stop crying and love me!" he said to me with tears in his eyes. "If you really loved me then you wouldn't hit me and call me names!" I yelled at him and started to kick. I kicked so fast and hard I kicked him in the... You know the boys most sensitive spot.. Yea.. I felt bad. "Uh! AHH! Laurel.. What the fu-fuck?" he screamed at me. He fell to the floor holding his crotch. I looked over at the window and saw a car coming towards the house. "HELP! HELP ME! PLEASE? SOMEONE HELP!" I yelled loudly for about 10 minutes until someone finally heard me. Sadly it was Micheal. "Oh shit! Adam? Bro what happend?" Micheal asked Adam. Adam didn't answer because of the pain he was in. He looked at me, smiled, and got ontop of me. "Hey baby." he said running his fingers through my hair. "Please get off of me. I don't like you Adam will get pissed off." I told him. He just looked at me and kissed me. "Oh come on baby, he's hurt and can't do anything to do. I mean we've already had sex. Me and you? You just never knew about it until now." he laughed and lifted up my shirt. I spat in his face and called him a douche bag. "Chill bitch! Chill! I'm not up for that. I know you really want me!" he tryed getting my shirt off but failed. He got off of me and walked to the other side of the room. I didn't know what he was looking for. But when he came back he had a small knife. He slowly brought it towards me and cut off my shirt. "Please Micheal.. Why?" I began to cry. I felt bad. I mean wouldn't you? Having your boyfriend abuse you and his best friend try to make love to you? I hate it.. "I really just want you. You're hot. And I love that body." he said rubbing the sides of my thighs. He started to take off my pants then my panties. He started to kiss my neck and went down further and further. And finally he went down to my.. You know.. As he went down I thought about something and decided to do it. "Micheal baby." I said with my most sexiful voice. "Yes?" he said. "If you let me go. I'll play with you. I'll do whatever you want. Just let me be on top." I winked at him. "Fine baby. Only becuase I'm really turned on." he decided to let my hands loose. He took off all his clothes. He wasn't bad.. But that's not what I planned to do. "Okay babe. Close your eyes and let me get something." I said. He closed his eyes and layed on the bed. I got off the bed and went to the bathroom and found Adams black robe. I put it on and was about to sneak out. But Adam caught my leg. "You aren't going anywhere bitch." he whispered to me smiling. I kicked him in the face. I heard a crack, giggled and walked off. I walked down the long hallway and down the steps near the front door and I found Micheals jacket and took it with me. While I was outside I found his wallet and his keys. "Jackpot!" I said to myself. I smiled and walked towards his car.

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