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Lorn Enders

"Hahahaha, I wont lose to you!" I cheerfully exclaimed as I return back the water splash that she gave me.

"The real fun begins now!" She  now got that evil smile as she make a battle cry and charged at me.

All of a sudden, attack was unleashed. The next thing I knew, it was all dark and red.

"Ugh!" I groaned in pain realizing that was coming from my head.

I slowly rose up from a bed unknowingly. I can't remember anything after that charge she did to me. I feel like my head is spinning and still unsure where I am. I gave up reminiscing the event earlier as I realized I was staring at a blank wall for a few minutes. I realized I was in her bedroom as I got a scent of her sweet perfume. There's no time for me to stay around here. I need to go outside and check up on her, my only friend and crush.

It was pretty quiet in the living room.I realized that I have a bandage on my head when I happened to look at the mirror. I guess that explains the red thingy on the water earlier. Luckily, I didn't lose any memories like in the movies. I continued to wander off the house until I make my way to the back of our house. Only my footsteps were heard until something break the silence.

*Wee- woo! Wee- woo! wee-oo! wee-oo!* The sound of the ambulance siren echoed in my mind. "This couldn't be happening" My jaws dropped and my heart started to beat fast. Hoping my assumption isn't right, I rushed where the sound comes from. 

Cries of my mother and mourning of my father were the only sounds left after the sound of the siren fades. Before I knew it, tears were already overflowing on my cheeks. Sadness quickly crawled up on me.

"Yo-you.." Father angrily mumbled. My whole energy quickly drained up and I suddenly laid down on my knees. I remembered how we're having fun just this morning and quickly resorted into this incident. I tried my best to hold back the tears but just thought of she would die caused solitude and sadness rush into me.  The next thing happened everything around me darkened again.

I hope this is all a dream. I hope when I wake up again she would be there waiting to play with me again. I hope I could play with her again at the river all day. She's my only friend and, she can't be gone.

I once again returned to my senses. I felt weak and drained. "So, I really cried." I whispered to myself. I opened my eyes that was still blurry from all the crying I did. I don't know the place where I am lying down. I continued to obsereve my surroundings until I found out I was in a dumpster. Everything stopped, my sadness instantly flew away. I can't feel anything. It's just thoughts playing in my mind because of the thought of me getting thrown away by my own parents. That time I was just feeling the hunger after realizing was already afternoon.

"Hey, what's a kid supposed to do in such a filthy place?" A random old man suddenly popped up holding his trash with him. His blue eyes somehow glowed. I can tell that he's a good man just by looking at his comforting smile like my grandfather have. "Come, you can live with me from now on." He offered without hesitation to a stray kid like me. He picked me up at the dumpster and carried me to his home and pampered me like his child. The day ended to me like nothing happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2014 ⏰

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