"Shit, Ma seems to have gotten worse over time..." Looks like she had been proven wrong once again. More change. At the very least, she could see that her room remained just as untouched as the living room. "At least Ma wasn't being delusional about that...."

Her posters were peeling off from the edges, and her bed was still in a state of disarray, with a book or two scattered across the unmade woolen sheets.

Shannon couldn't help but sneeze, as the dust inside her room had been collecting. "Damn...guess this is my fault too. Ma must have been in a bad way since I left..." A pang of guilt passed through Shannon's chest. "I really shouldn't be blaming myself for this, but..."

She belly flopped onto her old bed, the dust kicking up and causing her to sneeze even more. "...I need to clean this eventually. Think I'll just go to sleep now though..."

Shannon no longer wished to concern herself with every problem that had cropped up that day. It wouldn't help anything. Even if it was just for a few hours, she wanted an escape.

Feeling her eyes growing heavy, Shannon cuddled her face into a pillow, and not long afterwards the sleep that she had been craving finally came for her.


You're not as strong as you say you are Shannon Beveridge.

I'm sorry...

Are you really? Or are you just telling me what I want to hear?

Can we just talk about this? I didn't mean to be so-

I know you didn't Shannon...I know you didn't. But we always end up like this. I'm so tired of it...

What are you trying to say?

I think...it would be best if we stopped...all this between us.

...You can't be serious...

It's probably my turn...to be sorry now right?

L-Look, I'm sure we can figure this out somehow-

No, we can't Shan. And it's as I said...you're not as strong as you think you are. And quite frankly, neither am I...

But...dammit, I love you!

And I love you too.

Then what the hell is all this? What's the problem?

Shannon! Stop!...please. This is hard enough as it is. D-Don't make it any harder...please.


...I should go. I-I'm going to be late for work...


Bye, Shan...




Shannon shot up from the bed, her hand outstretched, with sweat cascading down her face like a waterfall.

"Fuckin' A...even in my dreams...her presence won't leave me alone." She wiped the sweat from her forehead, grimacing upon seeing how damp she actually was. "...That's one way to start off the day." She fell back onto the bed, trying to calm her racing heart.

Using the light filtering in from her window to gauge the time of day, Shannon assumed that it was almost afternoon. "I was out longer than I wanted to be....better go take a shower. Probably smell like shit right now." Standing up, she decided to take a moment to brush her teeth before searching for any clean clothes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2017 ⏰

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