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I sat on the couch, alone in an empty apartment. All that she left behind was the goldfish Nick got us as a gift. We didn't bother naming them. Michaela and I found the fish quite stupid as it just swam in circles all day. I mean, what's the point on having a pet if you can't take pet it? I wanted to flush the thing as soon as Nick left that day but Michaela told me that they would die in a year or two anyway. I was kind of bummed when she told me that, because part of me wondered if she actually liked the fish. It was unfair in a way, because I always wanted a pitbull. The kind of dog I could take with me on my morning jogs. We'd become best friends and he would be well trained. But of course, Micheala said no. She said something about pitbull's being too aggresive to be held up in a small apartment with a baby. I tried to tell her that he'd be getting excercise everyday, so he wouldn't mess up the place. I even told her we could adopt a puppy, and raise it with our baby. But she wouldn't budge. So you could understand why I was a bit angry when she said I couldn't flush the fish. 

But now I'm sitting alone on the couch in an empty apartment, with nothing but that stupid fish swimming around in it's dirty looking bowl. You'd think Michaela would at least take them both with, but instead she only left one. I felt she did it on purpose, as some sort of sick reminder that I was truly on my own now. I was tapping my foot in a quick, steady ryhthym.                                                       She left. Just like she said she would. Michaela Anthony, the love of my life is gone. She didn't even leave a letter explaining where she went and where I could contact her. She left and she took Callie with her. Callie, my sweet girl. 

I never took the tape off my knuckles yet. I was too proud as I walked home from the boxing studio. I had one my first match in about three months. This match was also a qualifing finale for a boxing competition coming up in about three or four months. I had been training non-stop for the past few weeks. In the gym, everyday. Running, everyday. Training, everyday. My coach called me the next Rocky, but I knew he was only joking. If I were the next Rocky, I should have been in my fifth movie by now. I should have been noticed by the big leagues. I should be a champion. But I don't think champions sit alone in their empty one-bedroom apartments. 

I finally lifted my head which I had been resting in my hands. I saw the other thing Michaela left behind. The framed picture of us as a family. We kind of played around with that word -family. In our early days, before Callie, we would talk about making it big. I guess Michaela was hinting that our idea of a family had also left with her. I walked over to the cabinet and picked the framed picture up. I ran my thumb over Michaela's smiling face. She stared into the camera lens with her beautiful brown eyes and her arm was around my shoulders. Callie sat in my lap with a cute baby expression. My head rested on Callie's. I remember thinking, 'Daddy loves you and Mommy so much.' over and over while kissing her head. Nick was by our apartment that day. He asked why there were no pictures of all of us together and Michaela shrugged while eyeing me. I knew what that meant though -it was because I was hardly at home for us to take those kind of happy family pictures. Nick smiled and suggested we pose for the camera. I scratched my chin and realised that if Nick never asked that question, I wouldn't be holding any sort of picture of us right now. 

I kissed the picture of Michaela and put it back down, next to the goldfish bowl. I opened my tog bag that lay on the coffee table and dug around my clothes for my cellphone. I switched it on and as I expected, there were no new messages. I considered calling Michaela or even texting her wishing that she and Callie were safe where ever they were, but decided against that. Maybe she just needed some space. Maybe my Michaela would come walking through the door the next morning, all bright and cheerful, with Callie on her hip. I loved my beautiful girls so much. 

I zipped my togbag closed and slung it over my shoulder. I switched off the lights in the kitchen and lounge area and went to my bedroom. The bed was stripped from the bedding and sheets. Callie's crib was empty of its mattress, blanket and toys. I dropped my togbag in the entrance of the door and opened the cupboard. All of Michaela's clothes were gone. Her shoes, her jackets and her underwear too. I curtly shut the cupboard doors and sat down on the double bed. I folded my hands and closed my eyes. 

Michaela and Callie were gone, and tonight I would fall asleep in an empty apartment. My stomach twisted into a sea of knots. My angels were gone. Tonight was supposed to be different -I'd won my qualifying match. Things were going to be different, I'd tell Michaela. But now there was no one to tell, except myself, that things indeed were going to be different. 

 -song lyrics-

You and I go hard at each other like we're going to war.

You and I go rough, we keep throwing things and slamming the door.

You and I get so damn dysfunctional, we stopped keeping score.

You and I get sick, yeah, I know that we can't do this no more.

Yeah, but baby there you go again, there you go again, making me love you.

Yeah, I stopped using my head, using my head, let it all go.

Got you stuck on my body, on my body, like a tattoo.

And now I'm feeling stupid, feeling stupid, crawling back to you.

So I cross my heart and I hope to die

That I'll only stay with you one more night

And I know I said it a million times

But I'll only stay with you one more night

Try to tell you "no" but my body keeps on telling you "yes".

Try to tell you "stop", but your lipstick got me so out of breath.

I'll be waking up in the morning, probably hating myself.

And I'll be waking up, feeling satisfied but guilty as hell.

Yeah, but baby there you go again, there you go again, making me love you.

(Making me love you)

Yeah, I stopped using my head, using my head, let it all go.

(I let it all go)

Got you stuck on my body, on my body, like a tattoo.

(Like a tattoo, yeah)

And now I'm feeling stupid, feeling stupid, crawling back to you.

So I cross my heart and I hope to die


That I'll only stay with you one more night


And I know I said it a million times


But I'll only stay with you one more night


Yeah, baby, give me one more night

Yeah, baby, give me one more night (whoa, yeah)

Yeah, baby, give me one more night (oh, yeah, yeah)

Yeah, but baby there you go again, there you go again making me love you.

Yeah, I stopped using my head, using my head, let it all go.

Got you stuck on my body, on my body like a tattoo.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

So I cross my heart and I hope to die

(Oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh)

That I'll only stay with you one more night

(Oh oh oh oh oh oh)

And I know I said it a million times

(Oh, I said it a million times)

But I'll only stay with you one more night

(Yeah, baby give me one more night)

So I cross my heart and I hope to die (yeah, yeah)

That I'll only stay with you one more night (yeah, yeah)

And I know I said it a million times (yeah, yeah)

But I'll only stay with you one more night (yeah, yeah)

I don't know, whatever.

One More Night: a Adam Levine storyWhere stories live. Discover now