Constant Interruptions [Johnlock]

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Constant Interruptions

A/N: Some Johnlock fluff. All the smutty fans out there, I'm sure you can imagine the dirty bits. I find the imagination is always better ;)


John honestly didn't expect a whole lot of romance when he and Sherlock got together a little under three months ago. In fact, he expected it to be the same as ever expect with kissing, cuddling and sex. He was right, expect the sex part. They'd done stuff, but they'd never actually gone all the way. Every time they got close to making love something came up, usually a case.

As a child John had been told that if his partner (they had said wife, John had said partner) ever put their (they said her) work before him then he should leave them (her). But Sherlock was different. Solving crimes, working, was what kept him down on Earth and not high in the sky.

John knew, he knew, he shouldn't let it hurt him but it did. The fact that nine times out of ten Sherlock would rather be knelt over a dead body then be at home watching a movie cuddled up to his boyfriend... well, it hurt like hell.

With a sad sigh John lifts himself up off his bed. As usual the left side of the sheet on the bed had been tossed aside where Sherlock was already up and going about his life. It was unlikely Sherlock had slept, considering he was on a case but it made John smile that he'd still come and lay beside him.

John forces away the fact he could count the number of times he'd woken up beside Sherlock on one hand and makes his way to the bathroom to prepare for the day.

After he'd showered, brushed his teeth and made himself look presentable he walks into the living room.

Sherlock was spread over the sofa, his hands fixed under his chin. Mind palace. His blazer sleeve is rolled to his elbows and John could see a nicotine patch on his arm. He'd been on a case for around a day now, a serial killer was on the loose and toying with Sherlock. Sherlock knew who he was, (Michael something) it was just a matter of finding him.

With a roll of his eyes John walks over and presses a kiss to the detectives forehead.

Sherlock hums in approval but otherwise doesn't move. John smiles a little before he goes to the kitchen and makes tea for the both of them. Sherlock's would probably go cold but that didn't matter.

When he returns Sherlock hasn't moved a muscle. The doctor places Sherlocks cup on the table by the sofa before he moves to his chair and picks up today's paper. He makes a mental note to thank Ms Hudson later for leaving it for him.

He's about half way through the sports section when Sherlock moves. The detective stands and stretches, giving John a smile. He walks over and shoves the paper away from John, before he plops down on his boyfriends lap.

Sherlock snuggles up to John, his eyes falling half closed "'M tired" He mumbles as John's arms go around him, not caring about the discarded paper.

"Go to sleep then" John chuckles, his fingers gliding through Sherlock's hair soothingly.

"On a case" Sherlock raises his arm, showing John the patch.

John just rolls his eyes again, his hand still moving through Sherlock's hair. He knew the detective would fall asleep soon, with them like this. He always did.

Sherlock's hand reaches up and pulls Johns away. He brings the smaller hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to the knuckles before he stands up.

He leans down and presses a kiss to John's lips. John doesn't have time to return it before Sherlock has pulled away and is shrugging his coat on.

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