The Wake Up Call

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you began to get a bit red at the face, making him smile a bit as he just chuckled. Enjoying the sight of your nervous face. The two of you then finished up your shopping, getting theBUNS READY TO HAVE MEAT INSIDE OF THEM MY NIGGA!!!

As the two of you got into the car, you began to take a quick look into your backseat. Noticing you had a few condoms on the floor of your car. Asgore saw you stare at them and picked one up. 

"What is this?" 

He asked, as you began to just take a quick look at him. holding back a bit of a laugh.

"Um... It's a uh- Condom." 

"Oh, It looks like a fancy sort of baloon." 

"No, it isn't-"

Before you could really say anything. He began to pull it out and blow it up. You watched in awe as he fumbled with the lubey 'Baloon' only to start blowing it up moments later. 

Before you knew it, you had a large baloon up in your face. 

"Okay! Stop- Do you even know what a condom is?" 

"A baloon?" 

You started to cringe a bit. before you then facepalmed. 

"...No. You put it on your dick and use it to stop diseases and babies."

"Oh. Then why do you have one?"


"Why is there two? Do humans have two penises?"

You turned up the radio and started driving.

The car ride was long, and very awkward. You began to question your life choices up until this point. Eventually you pulled up to your house, Asgore following up close behind. Holding the other condom in his hand.

You put away the foods and began to just sort of tiredly stare at the fridge. Asgore sitting on the couch as you then walked out and took a seat next to him. He began to just look at you a bit, before slowly pushing his hand towards yours. you felt his finger start to touch yours. 

"What are you doing?" 

You ask, as he then began to just nervously pull away. 

"Nothing, I saw a bug on your hand..."

He said, before staring at the TV. He took a look at you, and started to get a bit closer.

"I'm thirsty." You muttered, unaware of the situation at the moment, remembering you hadnt had a drink in a while and you needed something.

You got up, and went to the fridge. Pulling out a Captain morgan spiked root beer. You drank those occasionally, since your friends enjoyed giving you things such as this, helped you chill out and have fun. You got another,l and brought it out, giving it to Asgore. 

"What's this?"

he asked, looking at the can. You then gave your response.

"Spiked Alcohol, Root Beer. It's my favorite combination."

He just opened the can, and smelled the contents. He eventually took a sip, you were already getting a few drinks in. Before you turned on your PS4 and started to put on Netflix, putting on the show Bloodline.

After a while, Asgore began to get noticeably tipsy. You just laughed a bit. "Jeez, with someone who has such a big body you sure are kind of a light weight," You said, just watching him. He just looked at you. He just started to hug into your leg. Getting a bit FRISKy.

You began to look at him, before you started to pet into his head. "Jeez, are you horny...?" you muttered, as he began to give you a nod, hand grabbing into your crotch. Starting to rub into it. "Yes..." He said, obviously quite submissive. 

"Oh, Well in that case. Lets have a bit of fun." You muttered, boner growing as Asgore began to lick into your crotch. 

"I pictured you to be more dominant... But I am starting to wonder what you've been hiding behind that cape of yours." You said, before he then began to look at you, suddenly seeming a bit more confident. Probably the alcohol.

He took off his cape, and then began to turn around, on his knees as he shows you his big round ass, before pulling down his pants, letting you get a good look. You began to bite at your lip as you started to rub into your pantleg.

He began to snicker, as you looked at his ass. Beginning to let him turn back around as he started to bring himself back around to you. Beginning to lick into where your tip would be. Gently nibbling into it as you started to undo your pants. Desperately watching him work his way into your pants.

((this is all I got done the last time. I'll let you guys choose the ending to this one ;3))

Asgore Dreemurr x Male! ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin