Chapter 4

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                                 Annabeth's Room^

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Annabeth's Room^

I don't own anything that you might recognize.


Annabeth's POV

I woke up very early this morning. I didn't think that anyone would be up so I decided that I would make a list of things I wanted to do today and tomorrow.

-Buy paint for the room

-Paint the room

-Decorate the room

-Find Mr. Brunner to ask if he can give Walter back his jacket.

-Join some clubs (cause the club fair is this weekend)

-Talk to Piper

-Make an attempt to make some other friends.

I grabbed the prepaid credit card that my dad gave me without my step mom's knowledge. He told me that every month he would put another 500 dollars on it. This month I got 1,000 dollars because I needed to buy school supplies and get a taxi to get to and from these places if they weren't in walking distance. I picked up my phone and I searched Google for the closest hardware store. The closest was a small shop called MAM's hardware store. It was only down the block! I emptied one of my suitcases with wheels. I put the card and my phone into a little hand bag and began to walk towards the elevator with the empty suitcase. I stepped off the elevator and walked to MAM's hardware store. When I walked in a woman greeted me. 

"Hello sweetie. Welcome to MAM's hardware store. Can I help you find something today?" 

I said to the lady "I am looking for paint, brushes, pieces of wood, and bookends." 

The lady said "Follow me this way. We have the wood, brushes and bookends. We also have screws and things to hold the wood onto the wall." 

That made me happy so I could make shelves and lastly we headed over to the paint. I was stuck between a beautiful purple, gray and a blue . I decided on painting 2 walls gray and 2 walls purple. 

I went to pay and the lady at the register looked at me, smiled, and said "Your beautiful and that will be 150."

I swiped the card put everything into the suitcase and walked back to campus. I spent the rest of the afternoon painting my room. I decided to wait for the paint to dry by looking at the different clubs and seeing if I could find Mr. Brunner. I saw a teacher that was giving directions to different booths so I ran over to him. 

"Excuse me, do you know where the Greek club booth is?" 

He pointed me in the direction I had to go. I smiled, said a quick thank you and hurried off. I eventually found the booth. I asked a man that was sitting at the booth if he could show me where Mr. Brunner was. 

The man said "I am Mr. Brunner what can I do for you? Are you interested in joining the Greek Mythology Club?" 

I told him that I was interested. Before he could continue I said "I met your friend Walter." 

He seemed very surprised by this. 

I continued "He gave me his jacket on the plane because the flight attendant spilt a drink on me. Do you think you could mail it to him for me? I feel bad knowing that I still have it." 

He smiled and said "Sure I can send it to him." 

I smiled said Thank You grabbed a pamphlet, and continued to walk around to see the other clubs. I knew that I had time before the paint would dry. I got a pamphlet from the literary club and the weapons fighting club. I realized that I hadn't eaten all day so I decided to go to the café on campus and get something to eat. I got a piece of pizza and a greek salad. I sat down alone under a tree and began to eat. Once I finished I decided to go to the library and get some books. Despite my dyslexia I love to read. Before I moved I was reading a book series by Aimee Carter. It was called the Goddess Test. I headed to the library but got frustrated with the librarian who told me I was only allowed to check out one book per author. (A.N.: This is actually how it is in my school) I headed back to my room and sure enough 5 hours later the walls were dry. I grabbed the things for the shelves and I put the shelves up. (Or tried to anyway) Then I took a book out and put it on the shelf over the desk that I had brought from my old room. The shelf fell down. I got a little angry. I figured I would try again later. Then I put all of my clothes in the closet and decided to go sit on the small balcony for a while. I fell asleep there.

• Well that's it for now. If this story is liked then I have another 5 chapters already written. I will try to make the chapters a little longer too. Like I said before this is my first story.•

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