"Hello, my name is Piper. I don't think I've seen you around here before. Are you new here?" 

The girl replied "Yes I am new my name is Annabeth."

 I asked Annabeth if she needed any help finding her room. She accepted. 

I said "Let me show you. Come on." 

I stepped into the elevator and hit floor 2. I lead her to the end of a long hallway. She opened the door to reveal the room. I knew the girl that had lived in this room before. Her name was Bianca. Yes past tense. She was killed in a monster attack. Her brother Nico was devastated when she died. He was so upset he left the school. Back to what I said before, you heard correct I said monster. Let me explain. There are a few kids at this school that are extra special special. I don't mean mentally or physically. Their heritage make them special. One of parents is a god or goddess. My mom is the Greek goddess Aphrodite. Thalia's dad is the Greek god Zeus. Jason is Thalia's brother but his dad is the Roman god Jupiter. My other roommate Calypso her father is the Titan Atlas. We are called demigods. Some of us made a band. We call it "The Demigods" I don't plan on telling Annabeth about it yet because I can't tell if she has a Greek or Roman parent. Annabeth turned and looked at me.  

She asked "Am I allowed repainting the room?" 

I smiled and nodded. 

I turned to leave but she quickly asked "What room are you in? I'm not trying to sound creepy but I only know you so if I have anymore questions or just want to hang out." 

I smiled  "I share room 133 with two other girls. They are nice. You would like them a lot." 

I wrote down my phone number and gave it to her. 

Then I said "Text me if you want to do something or have any questions okay."

 "Thanks Piper." 

Then I left and ran to Jason's room to get my phone. 

When I got there he asked me "What took you so long? You called me like 30 minutes ago." 

"I'm sorry. I ran into this new girl who's room is down the hall and I helped her." 

I grabbed my phone, gave Jason a quick kiss and told him I had to leave because it was getting late and I didn't want to get in trouble.

Jason's POV

When Piper got to my room I had been waiting for her for 30 minutes! I was getting so worried about her. 

I said to her "What took you so long? You called me like 30 minutes ago." 

She told me about this new girl at the school. She told me about how she helped her pick up her stuff when she dropped it all. When she finished telling me about the girl she helped, she grabbed her phone gave me a quick kiss and told me she had to leave because it was getting late. She didn't really give me any description of what she looked like. I hope that she isn't one of those super sluttish girls who wears 10 pounds of makeup and never leave you alone if you good looking even though you may or may not be in a relationship and told her to leave you alone. We already have enough of those girls in this school.

Percy's POV

I was hanging out in my friend Jason's room with his room mates Leo and Frank. Jason began talking about all the time he spent with his girlfriend over the summer. Leo got involved in this conversation too. Frank and I just sat there bored. My last girlfriend her name was Rachel. She ended up cheating on me with this really popular kid named Luke. When she did that she changed. She ended up being a total bitch and a slut. After Jason and Leo were done talking about their girlfriends Jason began saying that there was a new girl this year. It's not that common that the school gets new people. We began taking guesses about what she would be like. We all just hoped she wouldn't be all stuck up and popular like Rachel. We also hoped that she didn't wear 10 pounds of makeup.

Piper's POV

When I got back to my dorm Calypso and Thalia were waiting for me. I had to give them the whole story that I gave Jason about Annabeth. Calypso and Thalia went to sleep. I decided that I would take a quick run across the hall to check on Annabeth. I heard lots of things falling so I used the key that Bianca had hidden incase she ever forgot her key to get in. I saw Annabeth on her bed throwing things at a wall and was shaking. She looked so scared. I looked at what she was throwing things at and I saw a big spider. I'm no spider expert but I don't think spiders are supposed to be that big. Then I realized Annabeth must have arachnophobia. (AN: I'm extremely arachnophobic. They are creepy with their 8 legs and their furry/skinny legs and those eyes...) I quickly grabbed a shoe and killed it. Then I saw that half of the room was covered in cobwebs. Those cobwebs hadn't been there when we dropped her stuff off. 

Annabeth looked at me and said "Thanks for killing the spider. Quick question. How did you get in here?" 

Then I said "I knew the girl who used to live in this room. She moved away but the school forgot to collect the spare key she made." 

Yes I know that I lied to Annabeth but what was I supposed to say? Oh yeah the last girl died in a monster attack! Yep she would defiantly think I was sane. I head back to my room to sleep.

Annabeth's POV

I'm not exactly sure why Piper came in here but I'm kind of relieved that she did. I guess I'll have to add talking to her on my list of things that I need to do.

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