Chapter 2

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I don't own any of the characters or anything else that you might recognize.

Chapter 2

Annabeth's POV

The next morning I woke up to Bobby and Matthew arguing about who would get the window seat on the plane. We packed the last belongings and drove to the airport. When we got on the plane Matthew and Bobby both got window seats. The rows were weird and only sat 2 people per row. I got seated next to this man who looked old enough to be my great grandfather. He seemed friendly. He let me take the window seat. 

The flight attendant came on the speaker  "This is the 10AM flight from San Francisco to New York. As long as the weather is okay and there are no delays, the flight will take approximately 5 hours and 45 minutes. We will be arriving in New York City at approximately 6:45 PM. Incase of an emergency... " 

I zoned out entirely. Hopefully we don't have an emergency. I was distracted until the plane took off. 

After about 15 minutes the pilot said "It is safe to use your electronics and now that the seat belt sign is off you may walk around freely if necessary. Flight attendants will be walking around to get you any food or drinks that you would like." 

I grabbed my laptop and went on Google. I went to search and typed in Goode School for special children. A beautiful campus came up. It was huge. Even though it was in the city it had a really large courtyard and the dorms were huge. Not to mention the classes that were offered. I began to consider that going there wouldn't be so bad. I decided to flip through the extra curricular activities offered and saw that there were lots of them that seemed amazing. There was everything from an architecture club to a Greek mythology club to a weapons fighting club. One club that I didn't really like the idea of taking was the weaving club. Every time I think about it I picture spiders. I hate spiders. I'm afraid of them. It is understandable considering all the times they bit me and covered me in cobwebs as a child. I kept scrolling. There was a technology club and a musical club and a writers club. There were gardening clubs and a clean up club. I turned off my computer and fell asleep wondering what the rest of the flight across America would bring me.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up a few minutes later when a flight attendant accidentally spilled some water on me. The man next to me was so nice about it. He gave me his jacket to wear since I was all wet and cold. I decided to have a conversation with him. 



"So what's your name"  

 "My name is Walter. What is your name?" 

"My name is Annabeth." "That is a beautiful name"  

"Thank you" 

 "Do you travel much?" 

 "No, I live in New York City but was visiting family. Are you traveling alone?" 

 I just shook my head no and pointed to the two rows to the left of ours and Walter looked confused.  

"You don't look like them at all. Were you adopted?" 

 "No I don't and no I wasn't adopted. That is my dad, my step mom and half-brothers. My dad says that I look more like my mom than him. I wish that I could see my mom for myself. My dad doesn't talk about her though. I don't even know what her name is. What is your family like?"

 "My grandparents and parents did some pretty bad stuff. I have 2 brothers, 3 sisters, a wife and I have a lot of children, nieces and nephews." 

Walter and I talked for a long time. It was really cool to talk to someone. Walter is really smart. I asked Walter what he did for a living and he told me that he studied Greek Mythology. We talked about Greek Mythology for about 2 hours. Then we ate some lunch. After lunch I told Walter about the new school that I was going to and how they had a Greek Mythology program. Walter told me that I should look into the program. I told him that I would. Walter said that he knew the man who ran the Greek Mythology Program at the school. I asked Walter what his name is.  

"His name is Mr. C Brunner. He is an amazing teacher and is disabled from the waist down. I met Mr. Brunner while in Greece." 

We continued to talk until Walter got up to use the facilities in the back of the plane. Since I had three hours left and I was getting sleepy I decided to try and get some sleep. I didn't know what to expect of Goode and I knew that if my stepmother had anything to say about their new neighbors wouldn't even know that i exist. I shut my eyes and I don't even remember falling asleep. The next thing I remember was a flight attendant telling me that I had to get off the plane now. I apologized, grabbed my things and walked off the plane. I realized that I was still wearing Walter's jacket. On my way to get my luggage I stopped off at the customer service to ask if I could get an address for one of the passengers. The lady stared at me like I had four heads. I explained that he had left his jacket on the plane and that I just wanted to return it. The lady smiled and said that she couldn't give me the address because that is classified information. 

She said "I can look up a phone number so the airport can call him and make sure he picks it up." 

I nodded and then the lady asked me "What is the passenger's name?" 

I don't know his last name but the first name is Walter and he was on the 10AM flight from San Francisco." 

She nodded and typed in his name and flight. She looked puzzled. 

She continued to scroll as she said "I'm sorry but I don't see a Walter on this list." 

I apologized for bothering her and ran to my annoyed step mom. She yelled at me for taking so long. When people started to stare she automatically switched over to that super worried mom. 

She switched on the tears, pulled me into a hug and began to say... "I was worried about you Annie! I thought that someone took you! Never do that again." 

I just nodded and rolled my eyes when she turned her back. Then when my dad returned with the luggage and we got into a taxi she began to yell at me again. When she wasn't looking I put earplugs in and fell asleep. When I woke up Matthew and Bobby were screaming in my ear to get up because we were at the school.


Like i said in the previous chapter, sorry if i'm not doing the dialogue spacing correctly. If someone knows how and would like to message me and tell me how that would be great.

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