Torl X Amthns- A...running...start

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Amthns was walking -running- around on all fours in Beach City one day, when, all of a sudden, she ran face first into a... soft pole. A soft, purple pole.


*Oh, my child! Are you alright?* Came a voice. She was suddenly picked up gently by large hands, and she stared into the face of... a goat.

¨Euuugh, who are you? Never seen you before.¨

*I am Torl, child. Why were you not watching where you were going?*

¨Uh, I was kinda crawling, so it's a bit hard to crawl and see at the same time, if ya don't realise!¨ She said, kind of offended. ¨And can you put me down?¨

*I apologise, I did not realise that fact,* Torl said, setting Amthns back down on the path.

¨...Bye!¨ Amthns said, scampering off on all fours.

*...Well, that was interesting.* Torl said to herself before heading towards the Big Donut to get some snacks for Frski.

Torl headed back from the store, and was about to head home, when she thought back to that purple child.

'I wonder where she is now...' she thought. She headed towards the beach to find Frski, when she saw them playing with the purple girl. 'I need to learn her name.' She thought, before heading towards her child.

*Hello, my child. I see you have made a new friend.* She said to Frski, who jumped up, grinning, and signed:

' Do you have the food? ' Whilst eagerly jumping around. She sighed, and handed them over.

¨It's you again!¨ Amthns said to Torl, who replied, *That is true. What is your name, child?*

Frski and Amthns said/signed at the same time: ' Frski! ' ¨I'm Amthns!¨

*I know your name already, you silly child,* Torl scolded gently, *And it's nice to see you again... Amthns.*

¨Uh, nice ta see ya too, I guess,¨ Amthns said, blushing. Turning to Frski with a jolt, she yelled, ¨Oooooh, are those donuts? Gimme gimme!¨

Frski snatched the snacks away, poking out their tongue.

¨Oooohhhhh, ya shouldn't of done that, ya little twerp... COME 'ERE!¨

Frski ran away, carrying the treats, and Amthns scampered after them on all fours. Torl sighed, and kneeled down on the sand, getting her dress dirty, but she would only discover that later. She pondered about that small child...Amthns. She was purple. She also had a faceted purple stone on her chest. She wasn't human, but she had never seen her in the underground either, so she wasn't a monster either. So what was she? Her train of thoughts got abruptly interrupted when a small form leapt onto her, hugging her tightly.

*M-my child!* She spluttered. *What on earth are you doing? If you are not careful, you could squeeze me to death!* She said jokingly. Frski turned their head so they could face Amthns, who was standing there, looking kind of annoyed, and moved their hands to sign something to her (Home safe!).

*My child, do not do that to your friend. Remember, sharing...* She said, waiting for Frski to finish the sentence.

'...Is caring. ' They signed dejectedly, before handing a donut to Amthns, who snatched it, stretched her mouth open really wide -no, unnaturally wide- before stuffing the entire donut in her mouth. She chewed, and in a few seconds, she swallowed and exclaimed, ¨MMM! Man, Porl would never let me eat any. G-not might, but only when Porl isn't there! Man, P's such a killjoy.¨

Footsteps padded quickly towards them. Amthns sighed.

¨Speaking of the killjoy.¨

She got lifted up by pale, skinny arms. Torl looked at the body attached to those arms. There was a pale girl with a smooth white stone embedded in her forehead wearing a ballet leotard and tutu, and standing next to her was a taller maroon girl/woman with a smooth rimmed visor covering most of her face and wearing a jumpsuit. She spoke with authority:

¨Amthns! You're with a human. And a...Goat?¨

¨Stay away from them. Amthns, you don't know where they've been!¨ The pale one said. Torl thought, 'I need to learn her name too. Maybe we could get on her...their good graces.'

¨Have of those.. sugar coated things? Eating is completely unnecessary for us as gems, and it's so disgusting! You chew it into mush, and it goes through your body, and comes out again... What a completely horrid experience...¨

¨Ugh, P, step off. You're no fun, like, ever.¨

¨N-no fun!? I am merely stating that we should be wary around others-¨

¨Porl, calm down. Let's just introduce ourselves, and they can introduce themselves too.¨

¨Well... alright, Grenot.¨ The pale one cleared her throat.

¨Hello. I'm Porl.¨ So that was the pale one. Her name was...Porl. 'Similar to my own,' Torl thought.

¨Grenot.¨ The taller one said.

Torl spoke next. ¨My name is Torl, and my child's name is Frski.¨ Gesturing to Frski.

¨Umm...Well, Amthns, we must be off. There's a... mission to attend to! Rs may need m-us!¨

¨UUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHH! FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE. Well, see ya, kiddo. And, uh, torl. Can we, like, do this again tomorrow?¨

¨Well, of course, child. Any time. Same place?¨

¨Yep. Wlp, Bye!¨

The trio headed off, and Torl sighed.

¨Well, my child, let's go home, shall we? It's time for tea.¨

Frski nodded, grabbed Torl's hand, and they walked back to their house. Torl thought: 'I'm looking forward to it...Amthns.'

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