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Grayson's POV

"Again!" I yelled.

The young wolf named Eric threw another right hook to the unlucky punching bag.


He threw a left hook this time, I still wasn't satisfied. His punches weren't powerful, but if he learned the correct technique he could be very strong.


I turned around at the name and saw another new wolf, his name was Jake, and boy was he a cocky kid. He was followed by another couple of wolves.

"What" I said with obvious irritation in my voice, he complains everyday.

"We're done" he replied, ignoring my tone of voice.

"Your not done until I say, get back to training" I said, turning back around to signal that the conversation was over.


Boy could this kid not take a hint.

"We don't need to train anymore, we can kick some supernatural ass easy" he scoffed.

"Prove it" I turned all the way around to face him and took a step closer so that I was a foot away from him.

His 5'8 wide frame was similar to mine, but I was still a good 3 inches taller than him. His hair was black and his eyes were green, not like Elena's green, it was a more blue-ish green.

"How" he challenged me.

"How about you fight me right now" I smirked, I was about to beat this wolfs ass.

He took a step back, I thought he was going to pussy out but he just raised his fist, he actually had the balls to challenge his alpha.

I mimicked him and raised my fist, I guess I will go easy on him.

We began circling each other and I was waiting for him to make the first move.

He threw a very sloppy punch and I dodged it and punched him in the gut. He began coughing and holding his stomach as he took a step back.

He recovered after a few seconds and rose his fist again. I looked at his feet and saw him take a small step forward right before he threw another punch so I dodged it again and elbowed him down to the ground.

He kicked my feet out from underneath me but instead of falling to the ground, I landed with and elbow into his side on top of him.

He sputtered to get air since I knocked the air out of him.

"Still think you are ready?" I asked him as I stood above his form on the ground.

He glared at me for a moment before submitting, dropping his eyes to the ground.

"Any one else who thinks they are done can handle me!" I yelled to the other wolves in the room, the girls and guys all dropped their eyes and stayed silent.

I walked away and left the newly built training room.

We have had a huge added amount of wolves in our pack, so we recently bought a cabin in the woods. My family has an immense amount of money that my parents left for me and my brother before they died, so we don't even have to work.

We still live at the other house though, these wolves get annoying so me, Elena, Ethan, and a now moved in Jen stay there.

My thoughts were interrupted by my one and only.

Babe, we have something you need to see.

We as in?

Me, Ethan and Jen.

Where are you?

Behind the seven 11

Okay I'm in my way.

I could sense the worry coming off of Elena and it was stirring up my wolf.


"Oh Fuck" was all I could say at the scene before me.

My blood began to boil and I suddenly wanted to phase.

Elena's small hand wrapped around my bicep and I took a deep breath, she always calmed me down.

"What are we going to do?" Jen asked, Ethan had a hand wrapped around her waist and he was holding her to him protectively.

"I honestly don't know yet" I sighed.

I looked back down at the horrific scene.

A man, or what's left of him, had been torn up to pieces by an animal. We knew that this animal was none other then our mutant beast.

Nausea began to creep up on me as I looked at the blood, guts, and limbs every where. We were going to have to clean this up before the place opened or some else saw it.

I looked down at my precious Elena and saw turmoil in her eyes. I could see into her mind and she was worried about any of our pack or any innocents getting hurt or killed. What did I do to deserve her?

I pulled her into my grasp wrapped my arms around the small of her back.

I am going to protect her and this baby at all cost.


Elena's POV

We had driven back to the house and I collapsed on Grayson's bed with a sigh.

"Grayson how are we going to protect them all?" I whined.

"Elena honestly" he ran a hand through his arm, his arm flexing in the process. "I don't know".

"Come here" I said.

Grayson shuffled his feet over to his bed and plopped down next me. He adjusted himself so he laid his head on my chest and his hand on my stomach, rubbing circles on it.

My baby bump was beginning to show, it was small, but it was there. I began to run a hand through Grayson's hair, and I felt him sigh in relief.

"Baby girl" I heard his husky voice, but I saw that he was talking to our baby.

"I promise to always protect you, you and your amazing mother. I just want you to know, no matter what happens in your life, things will always get better. A bad day does not mean a bad life. Every heart break, every death all of this will hurt, but you will learn to enjoy and cherish the happy moments. One day me and your mother won't be here, but I know when that day comes, you will have hopefully learned from every mistake and will be ready to take on this world. Even if we aren't around, we will always be listening and watching over you with the great Luna. I love you" he laid a small kiss on my stomach and I didn't realize tears were streaming down my cheeks.

Nothing could possibly be better than this.


hey Yall I'm thinking about writing some jethan smut?? Comment your thoughts^^

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- Mel🌱

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