New Girl Next Door (possibly Part 1)

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(Bowser Jr. x Reader request from oreoloveromg )

"Dad, do we have to move?" You whined as you walked up to your new house, holding your father's hand. Your new living arrangements had you in a suburban neighborhood, almost the complete opposite of the bright city you had come to love.

"But (Y/N), we're already at the house. And don't worry I know you had to leave your friends behind but I've heard good things about this neighborhood," he replied as you walked in. He handed you your suitcases "Your room is upstairs on the right, maybe later on you can go outside and make friends."

You rolled your eyes and walked upstairs, as much as you hated to admit, this house was much bigger and neater than your city apartment. You got to your room and stared in awe. It was huge! It had a bunk bed, a vanity, a television across from the bed, and a dresser for your clothes. You emptied your suitcases onto the lower bunk  and took out anything you would need today; phone, toothbrush and -paste, and, ... that's it. You didn't know if you would need anything today so you put the bathroom stuff in the bathroom, and out of boredom, began sorting everything else.


"Chef Pee Pee!! Who's that!!??" Bowser Junior yelled, he was hiding behind the curtains looking curiosly out the window at a girl who had entered the house next to him.

"What? Who?" Chef Pee Pee sighed as he went to see what the annoying little turtle was fussing about now.

"There's a kid outside! Who is she? I've never seen her before so she must be new here. Chef Pee Pee can I go say hi?"

"Sure Junior. Whatever. Take your time. Hopefully another friend for you to keep you from bothering me." He mumbled the last part.

He rushed outside, thought if he should call Cody and Joseph but decided against it, something about the girl made him want to meet her all by himself.

By the time he got to the house, she had already gone inside. That girl was actually kinda cute! He found himself thinking. He circled the house until he saw you through your upstairs bedroom window. He looked around frantically for something he could trow to get your attention. He found a rock, and smiling, he bent down, picked it up, and reared back to chuck it up at your window. It made a loud crash, he didn't expect it to break the glass so he scurried back to his house before your dad could come out with the shotgun. But Chef Pee Pee was already outside to investigate the noise.


"Well Chef Pee Pee, I uh, I took a rock and I uh uh threw it at her window to get her attention. I didn't mean for it to break the glass though!!! Honest!!"

"Ugh! Junior let's get back before the neighbors see us. Oh ho ho, when your dad finds out about this!!-" he grabbed Junior's hand and dragged him back inside.

"Chef Pee Pee please don't tell my dad! You know he beats me when I do bad stuff!" He looked up at his household helper with pleading puppy dog eyes.

Chef Pee Pee growled. "Ugh. Damn you cute kids! I can't ever stay mad at you. Fine. I won't tell your dad. But you have to go over to their house and apologize to the neighbors tomorrow, first thing in the morning."

Junior's face lit up. A chance to see that girl! "Sure Chef Pee Pee! First thing in the morning! In fact, I'll go to bed right now so I can get up super duper early and go see the new neighbors!" And with that he rushed upstairs to his bedroom.

"J-Junior? It's 5 in the afternoo- ah whatever. At least he's out of my hair for the rest of the day." Chef Pee Pee said, going back to the kitchen.

Junior jumped into his Thomas the Tank Engine bed and set his alarm for 'First Thing In the Morning' before plopping down to sleep. His dreams were filled with fantasies of meeting you, the new girl next door.

A/N: I know, I know, I had all day and I couldn't write more?!? But yeah I decide to make this a two- maybe (maybe) three- parter!

What would you do if the love of your life moved next door and you broke his or her window?

Funniest comment gets a free videogame- I mean free joke I found on the internet!

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Apr 11, 2017 ⏰

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