Introductions (Edited)

Start from the beginning

Rolling his eyes Billy speaks, “I take it that you ate your fill and my kitchen is spotless.”

As one the Elites nod their heads. He continues, “Not sure why I am playing hostess here, but I was recently informed you all need a place to stay. So……You can stay here or there is a motel on the other side of town.”

A deep laugh comes from the mammoth laying on the living room floor. Billy turns his gaze towards the laughing idiot.

“Billy…..ha, ha, ha…..Why would I stay at a motel?…..ha, ha, ha…..When you have this big house?…..ha,ha,ha…..You always had a sense of humor!”

Billy answers, “I would prefer that your dumb ass stayed at the motel.” This earned a chuckle from everyone especially when the idiot stopped laughing.

“I do not have much to offer you, but my home is clean. If you stay you’re going to have to do your share of cooking, cleaning, and maintenance. You pay for whatever extra you may need and help with the utilities and food. You want to get your rocks off you go to the next town over or even to the city. No women comes into my home and leave the ones in this town alone. I do not need any unneeded attention.”

Once again the idiot speaks, “Awww……come on Billy! We are guys for Pete’s sake. How are we going to have any fun if we……..” A loud SMACK is heard.

“Really Will you had to smack my head that hard!” Whined the idiot.

“Gabe…..I swear to God you are an idiot! Billy is aging which means he lost his mate. Which means he does not want another female near or around. He didn’t need to say anything about sex, but I guess with you being an idiot he had to make things clear.” Will said while glaring at his idiot brother.

“OK, now that these two love birds are done. If you choose to stay make a list of furnishing, construction materials or anything you think will make this place more livable. Don’t get stupid and buy things that will draw too much attention either.” As he says this Billy stares at Gabe with unwavering eyes.

“Go check out the place and decide where you will bunk.”

One by one they grab their duffle bag and head to the area they will be staying in. Billy looks at his own list then scratches his head, he realizes there is a lot of work to be done. His day just seems to get longer and longer. With a sigh he stand and decides to check on his other house guests.


Turning the bedroom door handle Billy looks to find a sleeping Ulrich holding the baby against his chest. The view brings a sharp pain to his own chest. Remi his wolf is also affected by the sight.

“He asks a lot from us.” Remi says in a weak voice.

“She needs us Rem” Billy replies.

“Why?” Remi bitterly replies.

“For Lilly…..for Livia….our pup and for us. For answers to why our kind is dying. She may be the answer Rem. I felt a connection to her and I know you felt it too. When Ulrich placed her in our arms it was an instant bond. She felt…..she felt like she was ours. Like our pup Rem and I know that you know why. So tell me what you are not willing to say.” Billy pushes.

Not wanting to answer him Remi retreats to the back of Billy’s mind. With no answer Billy takes a good look at the sleeping child. “I do not know why my wolf refuses to answer me, but I know in my heart that somehow you are my child. I vow to protect Dita till my very last breath.”

In that moment Billy feels the bond strengthening and a sense of peace comes over him. Closing the door he decides to head back to the living room to think and wait.

Born Human.....Turned Werewolf.......Question Is......Who Is Dita?Where stories live. Discover now