Ch.3- Five Kids too Many!

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Lucinda ran around the house while Rosey chased her with a stick she found in the backyard. Frances hid behind Stella before she pushed him and his slimey, curly hair away. Andrew hid under a tree doing nothing but awkwardly laughing. Stella went over to her big brother and threw leaves at him for no reason. Augustine shook his head.

"Honey, we had five kids too many!"

Mary Jane laughed. "I told you we should've stopped at 1!"

"Kids," Augustine said, "I have an offer for you! We can go to the village and if you're good all day we can go to the parlor after dinner."

"The ice cream parlor?" Rosey asked excitedly.

"Yus," Andrew replied quickly. All the kids cheered.

So they went to the village and tried to be on their best behavior. Lucinda, being the emo she was, yelled and screamed and didn't care what her father had told her. Stella just laughed.

All day was a bore to the Bean Children. They just followed their parents around while shopping trying to be on their best behavior. Since they were natural born trouble makers, they gave in and couldn't behave anymore.

"Guys," Frances whispered. "Wanna play-" he chuckled- "ball tag!" He burst out laughing.

"You're not funny, Frances," Lucinda replied.

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes.

"And we don't even have a ball!" Andrew said.

"Ugh, you guys don't understand my wry humor."

Rosey began tag by choosing herself as being "it". She began by chasing Frances, then went on to Stella, eventually catching up to Lucinda and tagging her. Lucinda chased everyone fiercely since she had so much sass in her little body. The kids screamed and ran around the store, knocking over boots, hats, and ladies' dresses.

Eventually the parents started running around the store too! Trying to chase the kids, they improperly darted around the store grabbing as many of the Bean kids as they could. They went back home and got a stern talking to about disobedience.

However, being the easygoing father he was, Augustine still let them go to the parlor.

The Bean Kids never learned their lesson.

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