Chapter 1: On Their Way

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December 3rd, 2017

Santa Clarita, California - 8 AM

"Babe, are you sure you're alright? We can always wait until..."

"Kevin I promise, I'll be fine."

Kristin Richardson glanced over her shoulder, her husband keeping a watchful eye as she bent over to check Mason and Max's duffel bag. Her rounded belly would make it difficult to accomplish for some expectant mothers, but after being a Rockette and being pregnant with two other babies, this was child's play.

"The boys have been so excited." She continued as she zipped the bag closed. "Plus when will be the next time all of us can spend a week together up in the snow?"

After weeks of negotiating schedules and finding the right venue, the entire Backstreet family was going to vacation in Big Bear together. It had taken months of discussion and working around each other's separate schedules, but they were finally making it happen.


When Kevin and Kristin found out they were having a third baby, which they hadn't even thought would be possible given their struggles in the past, they couldn't have been more blessed. Another little miracle to call their own!

And only a month earlier A.J. and Rochelle had welcomed their second daughter Sasha, further executing the McLean family as the one with the only "Backstreet Girls".

However, now with another one already on the way, there was a good chance that would change. Kristin knew how much her husband wanted a daughter of his own, but just like they had with Max and Mason, they decided not to find out the gender until the birth itself.

Now they were only three weeks away from the due date, and despite some Braxton Hicks contractions two days before and apprehensions from everyone else, Kristin was determined to make the trip. No "but"s about it.

Highway 210

Glendora, CA - 11:27 AM

"Daddy, Mommy, when we get there can I show Sasha how to make a snow angel?"

"I don't think so Ava," A.J. eyed his daughter from the rear view mirror. "Your sister's still too little; I don't think she's ready for that yet."

"That's what you said about Odin!" she slumped in her car seat, whining. "If Sasha's not, when is he?!"

A.J. exchanged glances with Rochelle- this trip was sure to be a handful with all these kids under one roof.

There was fifteen year old Baylee, ten year old Mason, and eight year old James. Then there was Ava of course, now five, Max and Holden who were both four, twenty month old Odin, and last but not least their ten month old Sasha.

"Hope that place really does have enough space for all of us." A.J. murmured.

"I know," Rochelle replied not taking her eyes off the road. "If it's hard enough hearing our little girl like this, imagine the other five that'll be running around."

"Well, five and a half, if you count Odin. Nick says he's been picking up the pace since September."

A.J. drummed his fingers across the ledge of his window. " can time go by so fast, babe?"

Big Bear Airport L35

Big Bear, CA - 12 PM

Leighanne pulled along hers and Brian's suitcases as her husband managed their carry-ons, with Baylee keeping track of his own luggage as they navigated their way through the crowds of the exit terminal.

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