Can we?

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*you are awake and go downstairs to make breakfast for Johnny you make pancakes bacon and eggs...he comes down and wraps his arms around you from behind while you are flipping the pancakes*
Johnny - my cook
you- grab a plate
*johnny grabs a plate and you attempt on flipping a pancake backwards into his plate...but it ends up by the pancake being thrown into his face*
you- oh my gosh I'm sorry😂
*Johnny puts down his plate and gives you a look*
Johnny- you better be able to run
you- oh no not again😂
*you guys run all around your up the stairs down the stairs through bedrooms both get tired and sit back down at the table*
Johnny- your eyes are so pretty
you- aw thanks
*Johnny gets a text from his dad*
dale- hey son can you come home? we need to talk to you
Johnny- sure be there in 5
Johnny- sorry I gotta go I'll text you later
you- okay bye
*you guys have a quick kiss and Johnny go upstairs and watch Netflix*
•at the Orlando's•
Johnny- I'm home!
dale- great
Meredith- we need to talk
*maddie Lauren darian walk in*
Johnny- uh....okay?
*they all sit down in the living room*
dale- okay I'm just gonna say this all once.....we know that you and Natalee love eachother...and we all see that you too are perfect and we love Natalee....she's nice sweet caring beautiful and we are very happy you to are together...and we know about her parents dying and how she lives alone....and we all were saying that she must be pretty lonely when she's home all alone with no one to walk into say good morning to and goodnight we have an offer....we would love her Natalee to live with us...we are not adopting her so don't worry you guys won't be siblings or anything but we think it'll be fun! are you thinking?
Johnny- honestly....I think it's a great idea!
Maddie- great!
Meredith- now we just have to ask her
Lauren- I'm sure she'll say yes
Darian- yeah
Lauren- yay! I'll live with my best friend!
Dale- don't get too excited there Lauren she might say no
Johnny- she'll say yes....I know it!
Maddie- you should call and ask her
Johnny- okay I'll go to my room
*johnny goes into his room and calls you*
Johnny- hey
you- hi!
Johnny- me and my fam Were taking....
Johnny- this is completely your decision
you- okay...tell me
Johnny- would you like to come live with us?
your pov:
live with the Orlando's?? wow that's a big change in my life....I mean I love them...and It is pretty lonely over here...and Lauren and I will he kind sisters
you- I would love too! thank you so much I love you and tell your family I love them all so much and thank you...but we won't be like siblings right? cuz they would be weird
Johnny- I will and no don't worry haha
you- okay HAHA

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