It cant be

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*its 1 week later and Johnny and Sophia are still together they are really happy....right now Johnny is watching tv and Sophia is at her house....Meredith walks in*
Meredith- John the doctor called they want us at the hospital right now
Johnny- why??
Meredith- I don't know
*johnny turns off the tv*
Johnny- okay let's go

•at the hospital•
Doctor- something happened with Natalee...
Johnny- what do you mean? isn't she dead?
Doctor- like I said something happened...something that's never happened...she's...she's alive
*Johnny doesn't say a thing*
Johnny- w-what?
Doctor- it was a true miracle
Johnny- this is great!! can I see her?
Doctor- go ahead
*Johnny walks into your room with a big smile*
Johnny- Natalee!!!!
you- Johnny!
*you too hug...Johnny starts to cry*
Johnny- I missed you so much
you- me too...I love you
Johnny- I love you t-....
*johnnys face goes blank*
Johnny pov:
crap...Sophia...I can't break up with her...I really like Sophia....
you- what's wrong?
Johnny- I can't love you....
you- what?!? why not?!?
Johnny- I have a girlfriend...
*you start to cry*
you- what?! it's not Kenzie right?
Johnny-no Sophia
you- Sophia?
Johnny- my sisters friend
you- oh....get out
Johnny- what why? look I thought you were dead I thought you weren't coming back! so I figured I should just move on in life!
you- get out
Johnny- fine!
*johnny and Meredith leave and you go home and cry in your bed*
Johnny- she's alive
Lauren- who?
Johnny- Natalee
dale- what?!
Johnny- but we're done
Lauren- not even friends?
Johnny- Nope
dale- I'm sorry
Johnny- whatever
*johnny goes to his room stares at the ceiling...back at your go on the groupchat*
you- hey...
Nadia- HOW?
you- Don't ask...just be happy I'm here
Hayden- are you and Johnny?
Johnny- we aren't
Lauren- yeah
ruby- wait your not together
you- nope he has Sophia
Hayden- who's Sophia
Johnny- my girlfriend...can I add her?
Nadia- I guess
*Johnny added Sophia*
Sophia- hey babe❤️
Johnny- hey bbg😚
Sophia- jealous bitch
Lauren- Sophia!
you- it's fine Lauren...
Sophia- yeah it's fine Lauren!
Johnny- bbg ILYSM
Sophia- ily2😍💓
Nadia- I still ship johnalee
Johnny- shut up
Sophia- yeah that piece of trash is old news
ruby- hey! that's enough
Sophia- not my fault that she's a lonley ugly ass bitch
*you added jacob*
Jacob- she's not lonely
Johnny- why is he here??😒
you- what's wrong Johnny?
Johnny- oh nothing
Sophia- who are you?
Jacob- jacob sartourius
Nadia- ew ew ew ew ew
Jacob- oh hello Nadia
Nadia- ew ew ew ew ew
ruby- ergh
you- hey Jacob
Jacob- hey☺️
Hayden- Igtg guys
*hayden left the chat*
Johnny- anyway what are you doing here?
Jacob- saying hi
Johnny- well you said hi so you can leave now
you- what's wrong Johnny? jealous?
Johnny- no😒
Sophia- yeah he has me❤️
Ruby- well johnalee is still real in my heart
Johnny- SHUT UP!
you- yes please do!
Lauren- Natalee me and you are still friends right?
you- yeah of course <3
Sophia- Lauren is my best friend
Lauren- Sophia we can still be friends if you are nicer to Nat
Johnny- she doesn't have to be nice to her
Sophia- yeah!
Jacob- Nat I'm in Toronto rn I can come over
you- okay😘  (adress)
Jacob- see you there😍😉
*jacob and you left the chat and so did everybody else....Sophia and Johnny private chat*
Sophia- hey😘
Johnny- hi
Sophia- wow no emojis?
Johnny- calm down
Sophia- ugh😒
Johnny- I need to tell you something I still like Natalee
Sophia- what😡
Johnny- I'm sorry...I need you though to make her jealous
Sophia- your just gonna use me???
Johnny- yes
Johnny- please??
Sophia- fine!
Johnny- thank you!!!

it all started with a textTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon