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I, Casey Aguirre, am average. Except for the fact that I can run about five times faster than a normal human being. And that I can heal a broken bone in 45 minutes to 24 hours, depending on the size and how much I move it. But the most non-normal thing about me is that I can see and communicate with ghosts...and that I can recognize vampires and werewolves just by looking at them.

For my family, this is normal. We are paranormals, tasked with being a barrier between the human and supernatural worlds. Basically, we kick some supernatural ass to keep our arrogant, powerful, very not normal friends in check.

Not that we're actually friends. They usually have big issues when we show up to stop their plans for world domination. And we hate them as much as they hate us.

And I was cool with that. I liked who I was. Until I met Nate. And realized I had to choose between my family, and him.

Copyright 2014. No part of this book is to be reproduced without the author's explicit permission. All rights are reserved.


Thank you to everybody who decides to give my story a chance!

The first chapter will be posted soon, probably in a few days. Happy reading!

- t_pearson

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