Chapter 10: Making a Jailbreak is Harder Than it Looks

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Casey's POV

Nathaniel chatters away during my tour of the mansion, telling me the history behind the house. I smile, laugh, and reply at appropriate moments, but the entire time, my mind is somewhere very different. What did he mean when he said "a very long time"?

How long does he expect me to stay? He seems like he wants to make this work, and my resolve is quickly fading away. Being with him is like playing with fire, thrilling, as if every moment was electrocuted, but so very deadly.

But even if we try, even if we make this last, what will I do with my family? I can act as if I don't care, but I do. That's the problem with life, is that you get so many attachments that eventually, they all get tangled, and to free yourself, you must cut your self loose, breaking all of the strings in the process.

I don't want to cut myself loose from my family. I'm not ready for that, not now, not ever. But I can't continue on knowing that can't ever see Nate.

Nate. His name tasted right on my lips, like it was meant to fall from them. Cheesy, I know, but so very true. It occurs to me that humans and paranormals really have no grasp of the deepness of the mate bond, and of what it entails. One look, and your hooked for the rest of your life - for some supernaturals, eternity.

"Are you still listening?"

I snap out of my thoughts, jolted back to the surface of my mind, and realize I hadn't been responding to Nate the way I should have. It takes me a moment to collect my thoughts enough to answer him.

"I was, I just zoned out," I say, defending myself.

"Really now?"

"Yes, I was. I'm sorry, I'm a little tired still."

Nate's expression of amusement turns to concern.

"Do you want to go back to the bedroom? You can sleep if you're tired."

"It's ok. I need to get home anyways. My parents are probably worried about me. I'm assuming you didn't exactly leave them a note and calling card."

Nate's expression darkens. Alarmed, I take a step back as his teeth begin to show.

"I called them an hour ago from your cell phone. They aren't happy your gone, but they know you're with me. You can't go home Casey. They won't let us talk if you do, and I can't let that happen. You can stay here."

"They will let us talk. Or, if they won't, I'll figure out a way to talk to you. But you need to let me go home."

"I can't do that. You won't be going anywhere. It's final."

Excuse me? It's final? No, it's not.

"You can't make me stay here!"

" I certainly don't want to. It would be much easier if you would just accept it and stay here, but I can make you and I will if you push me."

Nate's fangs are still extended, but at this point, I don't care. Mustering all my courage and vampire experience, walk up to him and move to slap him. Before I can make contact with his face, he grabs my wrist in a vice like grip. Moving quickly, he pins me against a wall. Cursing vampire speed, I struggle to get away from him, but with the full weight of his body pressed against me, it's impossible.

"Let me make something clear," he says. "I don't want to hurt you, chase you, or lock you up, and I can be a very kind, tolerable person. However, we can also play the game the hard way. Understood?"

I nod, and he lets me go. Without his weight to keep me steady, I almost topple to the ground. He grabs me to keep me from falling, but I rip my hand away from his. He shouldn't touch me. He just threatened me, he shouldn't be anywhere near me.

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