Chapter 2: They're not all losers!

Start from the beginning

“Oh yes, the precious bestie. It’s just a bracelet.”

“Hey babe?” Max asked as he stepped into the room and grabbed his t-shirt. “I’m just going to go. I’ll call you later okay?” Kelli grimaced as he kissed her cousin before leaving the room. She listened for the front door closing before she spoke again.

“I thought the entire goal of you staying with me was to get your life back on track,” Kelli snapped. “But you’re still picking up losers everywhere you go.”

“They’re not all losers!”

“Oh yeah? Name one who wasn’t a total loser!”

“Nick!” Kelli sat down hard on the guest bed. Then she remembered what had happened on that particular bed and stood up.

“You slept with Nick? Nick Jonas? Jane’s brother in law?”

“Well yeah,” Tasha said with a giggle. “I always wanted to sleep with a rockstar, and he works in a pinch. Don’t worry cuz. He was totally wasted when we did it. Plus I made sure to leave before he woke up in the morning. No one will know it was me.”

“I left you in the restaurant because you said you wanted to talk to the owner about a job!”

“I know. I can’t believe you fell for that,” Tasha laughed. Kelli pushed past her and made her way out of the room. She raced down the stairs and into the kitchen. She couldn’t believe her cousin had done it again. She had gone after the one person that Kelli had real feelings for. Okay, so she had never acted on those feelings, but still. “Kelli, why are you freaking out?” Kelli glared as her cousin entered the kitchen.

“I’m not freaking out. Sleep with whoever you want! Just don’t bring them back to my house.”

“Oh. My. God. You like him. You have a crush on Nick! Does Jane know?” No, Jane didn’t know, Kelli thought to herself. Kelli had once overheard Jane making it very clear to Nick that he wasn’t to even think about Kelli in a lustful way. Jane had outlined how a relationship between the two of them could hurt everyone. If she and Nick had a fight or broke up things would be forever awkward. Jane was the closest thing Kelli had to a stable family life so she wasn’t about to screw it up over a silly little crush. Even if that silly little crush consumed her dreams every night.

“Tasha I do not—“ Kellis started but was cut off by the ringing of her cell phone. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the phone seeing Jane’s number. She must be calling about Nate. Joe had called earlier to tell her about his new son. Kelli was planning to go and visit them all soon to meet her new “nephew.” “I have to take this. Just a sec.” Tasha glared, but she kept her mouth shut. “Hey Janey!”

[AN: For the sake of brevity J=Jane and K=Kelli]

J: Hey Kelli!

K: Joe already called me about little Nate.

J: Uh huh.

K: I bet he looks just like you.

J: Uh huh

K: Any kid you have has got to be adorable.

J: Yeah, my son is adorable. Listen, I need to ask you something important, and I want total honesty, okay?

K: Okay?

J: Did you sleep with Nick?

K: Nick? Nick who?

Tasha’s ears perked up at the mention of Nick’s name and she grabbed a notepad from the counter and started scribbling furiously. She pushed the notepad towards Kelli. You can’t tell her about me and Nick! Kelli rolled her eyes and wrote back. Why shouldn’t I tell her?

J: Nick Jonas.

K: Doesn’t ring a bell.

Tasha scribbled back. It was just a one time thing. Please!!!

J: My brother in law?

Kelli could hear the annoyance in her friend’s voice. She looked at her cousin who was now clasping her hands together and mouthing “please” to her. Kelli grabbed the pad scribbling on it again. What am I supposed to tell Janey? Tasha grabbed the pad and wrote back. Just tell her it was you. She’ll forgive you for it.

K: You want the complete truth?

J: Uh huh.

K: Yes, I’m the one who slept with Nick.

Kelli glared at Tasha who began mock bowing around her. Tasha so owed her.

J: Okay then. You need to come and meet Nate.

Kelli pulled the phone away from her ear in shock. That was it? She wasn’t going to scream? She loved Jane, but the girl did have a quick temper.

K: Well I’m planning to come. Maybe sometime in the next few weeks.

J: As my best friend you owe me.

K: I suppose I could move up my date.

J: Good. Send your flight details to Joe, and he’ll pick you up tomorrow.

K: Tomorrow?

She was a computer engineer so she set her own schedule, but she was hoping to put off the visit as long as she could. If she came later then hopefully Nick wouldn’t be there. Not to mention what havoc Tasha might wreck alone in her home.

J: Yes, I said tomorrow. Don’t make me come get you myself.

Kelli didn’t doubt Jane would if she failed to show up.

K: Okay. See you tomorrow then?

J: Love you! Bye!

K: Bye.

“What the hell Tasha? Do you know what you just did?” Kelli yelled slamming her phone on the counter.

“I know I have the best cousin ever! And this is a good thing for you too!” Tasha said nonchalantly walking over to the fridge. “You like Nick. If he thinks you’re the one who slept with him then maybe you have a chance at something.”

“I need to go pack,” Kelli said walking out of the kitchen. “I’m not sure how long I’m going to be gone, but while I’m gone I want you to remember one thing.”

“What’s that?” Tasha called out to her.

“When I do come back you had better have moved out!” Kelli smiled to herself when her cousin finally didn’t have a snappy comeback. All urge to smile left her face when she got off the plane in LA. Instead of finding Joe ready to pick her up there stood her worst nightmare. Nick Jonas.

“Let me get your bags,” Nick said grabbing one of suitcases and placing it in the trunk of the car.

“Where’s Joe?” Kelli stuttered.

“I asked him if I could pick you up.”


“We need to talk.” Shit.

[AN: I really shouldn’t be up this late. Comment please? Is anyone reading this one because I really like writing it.]

Hard To Say No: A Nick Jonas Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now