Verbs (Linguistic)

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Verbs are the most complicated part of speech in Varië.


Dictionary Form: all verbs end in '-on'

'E' form: '-e' This is sort of like a participle to modify the verb, similar to how Japanese 'te form' works.

Infinitive: '-onfe'

Plain tenses are all have the perfective aspect.

Past: -as

Present: '-on' (dictionary form)

Future: '-em' ()

The imperfective aspect includes and makes no distinction between the continuous and progressive aspects.

Past Progressive:- -e fas

Present Progressive: -e fon

Future Progressive: -e fem



Esson - Dictionary (To) learn

Esse - 'E' Form

Essonfe - To learn (infinitive)

Essas - Learned

Esson - Learn

Essem - Will learn

Esse fas - Was learning

Esse fon - Learning

Esse fem - Will be learning

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