Chapter 15

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"Can I tell you something?" The 7 year old girl said to her uncle. It was just 3 weeks later when the girl father left her, crying on the floor begging him to stay.

"Sure Little heart, you know you can tell me anything" The girl's uncle brought the little girl on his lap, and told her honestly, without knowing the promises he's going to say next will be broken.

"You promise you will not tell anyone even if it's really really bad" She looks up at him with sad eyes that made his heart break.

"I promise"

"You promise you never leave me, like my dad did. You promise you always be here for me when I need you" She said with sad and hopeful in her voice and eyes. Tears began to swirl in her eyes, and small sniffles are coming.

It broke his heart seeing his niece break, in front of her. Seeing her sad and broken from what she's going to say and that her father, his brother left this beautiful,sweet, wonderful little girl in heart break. And he can't do nothing to help her, but to be there for her when she needs him.

He didn't even do that for her. He just left her, more broken and hurt then before.

"I promise, I will never ever leave you and I will forever be there when you need me." He tells her In her eyes "You can trust me, I never break my promises especially to you" She smiles and laugh a little.

She tells him what her mother does to her. All the hurt, the pain, the yells and shouts she had to deal and hear with. She told him all, with sobs and cry's but she stand tall, wipe her tears and told him start to finish. She needed to let it out, or she would suffer more will the secret she hind for so long.

While she talks her uncle died every second. He holds the little girl tight in his arms, afraid something might happen to her right in his eyes, in his hold. He never knew her mother could ever do this, but can't say anything while not being around when shes there.

"I promise I will always be here little heart" The girl is done speaking and now is struggled in his chest "I will never leave you" But he did left, and broke his promises

"I love you Little heart"

"Love you too uncle"


I found my phone, the next morning.

It was under my couch, I honestly have not idea how it got their. I don't remember it falling or being near the couch, but I found it, it was at 25% I was surprised it hasn't died yet. Good thing I found it at 3am, I woke up because I somehow couldn't go back to sleep. When it was 6:30 it was up to 98%, I left the house and drove to school while snacking on a granola bar, I didn't felt like eating breakfast.

I'm not much sick as yesterday, but I still have my cough and stuffy nose, nothing that I can't handle. I had a lot of cough drops in my pocket and tissues. The school doesn't have tissues you have to bring them or buy a box for class.

When I got to class no one was here, not even the teacher. I sat in my seat and check all my messages. There mostly from Everest and Lolly saying where am I, If I'm ok, text them, their worried and some other things. I both text them I found my phone and I'm fine. I think Everest told lolly I was sick and I had lost my phone, if not I just tell her later at work.

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