So much to ask, but I have the whole worlds time to figure that out.

Today is my first day at working at Dutch Bros I'm not nervous because I've worked in jobs like this before. So I know how it works.

I get out of the cab I took and payed again getting a little déjà vu. As I clock in I hear the bell right so I walk out to start serving.

" Oh hey. I remember you. "
I peer up to see Cody. The man I bumped into yesterday morning.

I look down to see he's wearing the Dutch bros outfit. God don't tell me I'm working with him.

" Oh.. hey yeah. " not knowing what to say,

We work 5 hours and I have a lot of fun talking and messing around with him. I'm starting to have a little crush on him if I'm going to be honest. But I can't because I'm gonna go on a date with Froy. Second day and I'm already so boy crazy.

I'm still laughing from the joke he made 3 hours ago, it just keeps popping into my head.

" Okay " I peer done at my watch " time for me to clock out. " I walk to the back and take off all my robes and badges. I walk back out to see Cody leaning against the counter.
" Can I have your number? " he asks out of the blue.

" Oh.. yeah 971-388-5347 " I say.
" Got it, mines 971-534-5678 so you don't think I'm a stalker when I text you.

"Or Pennywise I heard the new It movie was out. " I say in a low goofy town.

That oddly cracks him up, Jane your to cute. "
He walks to the back and clocks out aswell.

Did he just call me cute?

A huge smile wrapped around my face and I could tell I looked crazy. We said our goodbyes and I walked out and waited 10 minutes trying to get a cab.

" Need a ride sugar? " I hear, I turn around to see some gross what looks to be homeless biker looking guy.

" No thanks. " I'm really freaked out now. It's 7:30 PM and it's pitch black out. Only god knows what's about to happen.

" Common! I don't bite.. " he starts cackling.

I start running but I can hear his motorcycle going faster. My heart is pumping so fast I can hear it in my ears.

I'm about at the Dutch bros shop again and still running. Suddenly I hit something HARD.
I fall to the ground and it knocks the wind out of me. As I struggle to get the air back in my lungs someone pulls me up gently.

I open my eyes to see Froy looking at me with panic.

" Jane?! What happened? "

" No! " I look behind me to see the guy still coming on the motorcycle.

" Froy get me out of here. " He sees I'm still panicking and he looks at the guy. Froy sits me on the park bench and goes over to the man.

He grabs him by the neck and slams him on the ground. I hear the impact of him hitting the mans face.
All I can do is watch as I'm freezing and terrified.  " Froy please stop! " I shreak.

He looks over at me and gets up from the bastard. And his hands are beat.

He starts walking towards me then just keeps walking past me without saying anything.
He opens his car door and gets inside.
He looks at me  " Well? Are you coming? " he asks. I nod and open the passenger door.

" Why were you here? " I asked him.
" Because I knew you didn't have a car so I went to go pick you up. Are you okay? What did the sick freak do to you? " he asks
" I'm fine, um, he was just cat calling me and then started chasing me. "
" Your safe now. " he responds with

Suddenly my cheeks start feeling wet and I realize I'm crying. I manage to hide it from him with my coat jacket sleeve i wipe the tears away. I think he found out tho because he put his hand on my thigh. And gave it a little comforting squeeze.

We arrive to the dorm room 8 minutes later while we walk in everyone's at the kitchen table playing cards and laughing.

" Hey Jane care to join us- oh are you okay? " Angel asks

" No thanks guys I'm just gonna go to bed. Class starts tomorrow and it's late. " I say

Angel smiles and returns to his game with Kelly. She looks slightly curious.

I walk into my room and right when I'm about to close the door someone pushes it open.

" Hey. " I say
" Hey. " says Froy with a soft smile.

I walk to my closet and search for some leggings when arms snake around my waist. He sets his chin on my shoulder. I put my hand on his chin and drag my index finger lightly down his jawline. I turn around and he lightly presses his lips to mine.

He pulls away and smiles at me

I give a soft smile back. My hand is still on his cheek. He winks and it giggle.

I crawl into bed expecting him to leave, then I feel the bed dip and I turn to see Froy get in my bed. He pulls me close.

" Tell me why you have those bad dreams "

" Can I tell you tomorrow? "

He responded with a tired sign and we drifted off into a warm slumber.

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