Friday nights watching Y.O.I

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I uploaded this on tumblr a few days ago.


Sci's p.o.v

I sit on the sofa, cross legged, waiting for the doorbell to ring. It's Friday night, and at this time me, edge and blue usually watch cheesy movies and have sleepovers. As if on cue, there's a ring at the door. I bolt upright and sprint(?) over to welcome my guests. Blue's head pops around the corner, soon followed by his entire body. He smirks at me before running off to the couch to make a pillow fort, like every Friday. I turn my attention to the figure still standing at the door to be let in. I nod at edge as he walks in and he replies with signature, maniacal smile. "Hey nerd."

"Hi Edge."

We walk to the living room together to find blue almost finished the fort. He hooks the last corner of a thin blanket across the top of a pile of pillows onto stall chair from the counter. We stand back, admiring his work. I turn to Edge, "so what movie did you get? It was your turn." I ask. He pulls out a netbook, presumably his, and crawls under the fort. He pokes his head out, "you guys coming in or what?" I duck under our makeshift roof and slump down next to Edge as blue wriggles in after us. "You didn't answer Sci's question." He says, scooching over to us.

"My brother recommended watching an anime. It's only 12 episodes long, so why not?"

"What's it called?" I ask and peek over his shoulder. Edge plugs in a USB and opens a file named Y.O.I. "Yuri on ice."

I wipe away tears as the credits roll over the netbook screen. Judging by the sniffling, it was safe to asunder the others were in quite the same state. Suddenly blue leapt forward and slammed the space button, pausing the video. "GUYS LOOK!" He squeals, pointing at the song title that played for the start of every episode. "At first it was History maker, now it's history makerS!" My chest squeezes. "That's so beautiful." I whisper. Edge snorts. "Sorry I can't get over Yuuri. Little shit was the best." Blue huffs in annoyance. "No way! Yurio was obviously the most talented! If not, then Minami!"

"Both of you, shut up." I sigh, "Viktor was the best, he rules." Edge raises an eyebrow(?) in my direction. He leans over slightly and stares my right in the eyes. "Oh I beg to differ." A flush spreads across my face as he leans in closer, his breath tickling my nonexistent lips. Suddenly blue bursts out laughing and ruins the moment.

The end(?)


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