Chapter Two

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   Clint let an arrow wizz away from the bow in his hands, watching silently as it hit the moving target right in the bull's-eye. That was the fifth arrow to hit it's mark dead on, Clint was bored of this already; training always was boring for Hawkeye. The spy turned his head to look towards the door, seeing the sea colored eyes of Perceus. The boy was looking at the now immobile target. Clint was surprised to see the still recovering male up and moving around.

   "Nice shot there." Perceus' voice was sounding better than it had two hours ago. Drink more water, Clint mentally told himself, it will help healing go faster.


   The funny thing about all this is that neither of the two males knew the other's name. Perceus was being too stubborn to tell Clint's team his name and because of that they won't tell him their names. It was a silent deal made between the seven that once Perceus tells his name, Clint and the others would say theirs. Perceus found himself giving the group of six that had saved him respectfor not only saving him, but for also protecting each other's secrets unknowingly willingly. That showed true friendship -- the unknown willingness to protect people they claimed to not be very fond of.

   Perceus gave the male spy a small smile before motioning his hands towards a second bow and sheath of arrows, "May I try?"

   Hawkeye nodded, seeing no harm in letting the boy try the specially made bow. What neither of the two men knew was that they were being watched by both Bruce and Fury, this it wouldn't have mattered even if the did know about being watched -- Bruce would still be there to make sure no injury came out of this and Fury would still be there to see what this boy can do for himself.

   It only took Perceus one try to get the feel of the bow, all shots after the first not only hit the bull's-eye, but went through the whole target. It had taken Clint years to get to where he is now in his skills with that type of bow and yet it only took Perceus three seconds to pass the Bow Master's skill. Bruce raised an eyebrows before writing down seom medical-looking (big and fancy in easier terms) words to show his surprise. Fury cleared his throat and shifted his weight from one foot to the other and back again to give any indication that what had just happened set off red alerts echoing through his brain. Hawkeye just gave a mesely blink before giving the reason for such surprise from Fury and Bruce a praise that his a further meaning. Which would be? Shooting bow and arrows was Clints source of pride, someone Perceus' age should be careful on uprooting another, older, man's flow of ego.

   Perceus smirked, "Don't worry, I was just seeing what the weaponry was like here. Pepperhair keeps on boasting about each piece he made, or helped making. Just wanted to know id his words were backed up by the products -- they are, if you were wondering..."

   While the boy spoke, Bruce felt the corners of his mouth twitch at the nickname 'Pepperhair', which had been given to his most annoying teammate -- Tony Stark. Though Bruce's nickname was just as bad (but more accurate). Perceus has taken to calling the doctor of the group Science Grimm, which Thor keeps on asking what it truly means. Bruce himself wasn't entirely sure, but from what he understood a 'Grimm' to be, he found the name quite true. Back to the topic at hand; while Perceus had finished saying what he had said several minutes ago, every adult (known or unknown to Perceuswas shocked to silence. Normally people would have ignored Tony unless it had benifits for them, and it seemed the boy had nothing to gainfor himself for listening to the billionare. Nor did it seem to have a benifit for Perceus to even check to see if the man's boasts have reason behind it.

   That's what caused the awkward silence.


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