Chapter One

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   This is different. Unusual. Not like what they used to be, not since the last war, not since he lost everything he thrived for. Everything keeping him sane no longer exists. He remembered the day all this happened. It was bloody, the sky had found itself being covered with near black clouds to have it fit the atmosphere of apprehension his friends held over their shoulders and inside their minds. He remembered the moment the first of his small group of friends went down, heading towards Elsyium for all that they had been prepared to give up. That first death was a boy, a cousin, that he felt he had let down, not just now, but also several years prior to this moment. Nico, the last son of Hades, had given up his own life to let his half-sister's love interest do what he had to without problem. After Nico, it was Frank. The boy had finished his part not too long after his protector fell to the ground several feet to his right. Nico and Frank, the first two boys to know the true pain of this army's potential.

   There hadn't been time to grieve for the two while the battle went on as if they hadn't given their lives to their cause. Only now, that it's all over, did those who survive the huge fight find themselves grieving with practically all their being. Nico and Frank weren't the only one's lost, though. There had been Piper, who had stepped in front of a Hellhound to save Hazel. Piper's boyfriend lives on, being as helpful as he can be while he has taken on immortality to bring up the chances of Demi-God survival by training the newer, younger campers. Younger campers that will never be a child of Jason's, nor of Hazel's, not even Percy could see himself living past Annabeth's death. Not yet, as the three kept telling themselves each time the three were around the other two. Annabeth, her death was quick and not very painful. A simple snap of the neck by a pissed Titain. That's when those remaining of this small group - Hazel, Jason, Leo (who had only survived this long because of his ability he had gained from his father, the type of ability Leo's none too sure to use), and Percy - fought harder. Without half of their group living, it would be harder for them to fight long enough for the Gods - their parents - to finish their fights and help them in forcing Geae, Annabeth's killer, back into slumber.

   That had been seven years ago. Hazel smiles again, but only because she's no longer the only Child of Death, her sibling - Nico - was now being used as a legend to live by. Both Greek and Roman children of Hades knew the boy's more important moments in life by heart. Why wouldn't they? It's a great reason to keep Nico living in all his younger siblings. Leo never stopped smiling, he knew that if he did, all that had happened during that war would mean nothing. His reasoning behind that? Piper, Nico, Annabeth and Frank had died so the generations after them can smile, so their friends will be able to lift the corner's of their mouths to form grins. That's his reasoning, and without it, too much would have changed. Because of his smiles and cheesy jokes, everyone around him is able to speed their recovery of the losses. Jason is no longer a mere immortal Demi-God, he's the new camp director. What camp would that be? The Demi-God camp known as Camp Half-Blood along with it's Roman counterpart, Camp Jupiter. Jason was praetor of Camp Jupiter but director of Camp Half-Blood, and it was all because everyone needed someone like him to train the next Heroes of the Greek and Roman Demi-Gods. Percy, on the other hand, wasn't just granted immortality like his remaining friends, he was also given a second wish. That second wish would be that he wanted to never be bothered by the Greeks and Romans for the rest of his immortality. Why had he wished for immortality if he was just going to ask to be cut off? His logic was to help future Demi-Gods as well, but in his own way.

   The last seven years have proved whatever method he was using to by working. Not a single Demi-God that found one of the two camps seemingly on their own died. Percy was giving the Satyrs a little break and give them more time for training. Training for what? Protecting the next Demi-Gods they are sent to bring to one of the two camps. It was a little odd, though, to see so many beings in one camp before finding out it's just like that at the other. It wasn't particularly normal for there to be constant renovations to fit all the children and Satyrs in either camp they wished to live in.

Trusting Thy Enemy *discontinued*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon