Chapter 48

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Robyn POV

My pregnancy and delivery went well so I was able to come home three days later instead of five.

Right now Major and Marlon was asleep while I was in the gym working out. I needed to go upstairs and pump some milk but I still had enough time.

Majors sleeping pattern still wasn't on schedule but I was learning slowly when he was sleepy and when he would wake up. I looked at my timer on my phone and saw I had to run for another two minutes before I could stop.

I ran through the two minutes finishing strong before I turned off the treadmill and bent over with my hands on my knees catching my breath.

I wiped the sweat off of me with a towel and went upstairs to take a shower. I checked on Major in his crib and made sure the baby monitor was on before going and starting the shower.

I got out my underclothes and a pair of sweat pants and a tank top.

Stepping into the hot shower I just gave my body some time to release some of the tension I had built up. I washed up and started washing my hair before Major decided now would be a good time to wake up. I heard his light cries through the monitor and cursed under my breath.

I didn't know if Marlon would hear him so I hurried and rinsed my hair then got out and wrapped a towel around my body.

"Mommy's coming", I said as I ran out the bathroom and down the hall to his nursery holding my towel.

Marlon was already in his room holding him. I didn't even notice he wasn't in the bed anymore.

Major had stopped crying and now was just looking around.

"Sorry. I was in the shower. I'll get him as soon as I get dress and then you can go back to sleep."

"It's cool. Take your time."


I went back to the room and dried off before putting on my clothes and then blow drying my hair.

I went downstairs to find Marlon sitting on the couch making silly faces at Major who was just smiling.

"Hi momma's baby", I said tickling his stomach.

"You going somewhere today?"

"Nah. It's to soon to be leaving y'all here alone."

"Did you change his diaper?"

"Yea, but I think he's hungry."

"Yea he is."

I sat on the couch next to Marlon and he gave me Major. I positioned him on my chest correctly and pulled one side of my shirt down letting him latch on by himself.

"Why don't you just give him one of the bottles you pumped?"

"Because he likes the boobies better and the bottles are for if we go out."

"You gone have saggy titties."

"No I'm not, they'll go back to their original size."

"If you say so."

"It don't matter cause saggy titties or not you ain't going no where", I said getting up and going to the kitchen.

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