Ace Thomas Anderson Jr

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" I Know, That Shutting The World Out Ain't Solving The Problems, But It's Helping Me Cope With Them." -Unknown

Date: May 26

Location:  Ace's house

Hazel P.O.V

"Why am I here, Alex?" I break the silence. My voice is raspy from being tired. I hold my phone while kicking rocks down a long gravel road. I feel the scrapping of my boot against the gravel road. My car headlights are my source of light. I am parked in a neighborhood. Along the roadside by a brick house. I can hear small movements in a nearby bush.

"You'll see when I get there, Hazel." My stepbrother sounds aggravated. His voice is a little deeper than usual tonight. As I focus on the house in front of me.  I notice it looked like a horror scene. I'm starting to feel uncomfortable now. The night is dead, dark, and scary.

"Please say you are down the road?" I ask Alex while thinking of a nice warm bed. A nice bed where you can sleep and eat on. I could be watching reruns of Supernatural on Netflix by now.

"Sorry, I'd got sidetracked. My dad needs me for a second." I can hear frustration laced in his voice. His voice became raspy as he talks to me. I look straight at my car headlights. My car is running on the side of the road. This bothers me, deeply. Just hearing my engine run gets to me. I don't like running my car. I walk over to the car. I grab the door handle and open my door.

"Can gas burn while running a car?" I can feel my question struck a nerve. Alex and I argue about this all the time. I absolutely think gas burns while a car is running. Alex starts to complain about it through my phone. I sit my phone on the dashboard. I love to mess around with him. I giggled at his reaction. I twist my key to the left. The humming of my engine came to a halt.

*bing* My IPhone notification ringer sound off. I look up at my phone locked screen. Alex texted me.

To: me
From: Alex😒😝⚠⚠⚠

Stop being stupid. Just walk around a little! I'm almost there, Hazel.
Be there in 15.

To: Alex😒😝⚠️⚠️⚠️
From: me

Boi, don't u ever hang up on me, again

To: me
From: Alex 😒😝⚠️⚠️⚠️

You were asking a dumb ass question🤦🏻‍♂️

To: Alex😒😝⚠️⚠️⚠️
From: me

Try that shit again 👏🏽

"Okay, let's try this, huh," I whispered to myself. I sit down my phone in the passenger seat. I slide the key out of the ignition. I push it in my back pocket.

To: me
From: Alex😂😝⚠️⚠️⚠️


I roll my eyes from my phone screen. I reach out for my phone and quickly send a text.

To: Alec😒😝⚠️⚠️⚠️
From: me

[incoming call from pissed stepsister]

I press on his icon picture. The choices popped up. I pressed the call icon. The dial sound rings through my phone.

"Yeah." Alec causally responds to my call.

"Alec, do not hang up-" I did not get a chance to finish my sentence.

*deep - deep*

Okay, wait until I see him. I sit down in my car while scrolling through my insta feed.

"I guess we waiting, ugly duckling," I say to my car. That's the nickname I'd made up for it.  As I scroll through Instagram something flash before me. I look up confused as hell.

"The hell." A big bright light flash against my windshield. I cover my eyes while the bright light rage on. I could not look past my forearms. The light is blinding me. I look down at my phone. I strained my eyes to see my screen. The phone's brightness is low. I press my light icon. I pull it higher to see a notification from Alex.

To: me
From: Alex😒😝⚠️⚠️⚠️

Where are you?

I look up a little at the light. The light still in-front of me. I low my arm to text back.

To: Alex😒😝⚠️⚠️⚠️
From: me

Please cut off your high beams! You are blinding me.

I finish texting him. He responds instantly to me.

To: me
From: Alex😒😝⚠️⚠️⚠️

What are you talking about? I'm in your car and you not here. Where are you?!

What is he talking about? Is he not in-front of me? I cannot see anything at this point. I push up my arm and grab at my door handle. It will not open.

"The fuck?!" A piercing cry escapes my lips. My heart moving at a fast pace. I can hear and feel the thumping against my chest. I begin to bang against my glass window. I close my eyes out of frustration. The pounding of my fist against the window echoes throughout my car. I whimper out loud until the window finally breaks.


(Not edited)

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