Calum//He's your teacher(au)

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Summary: Calum is your new math teacher. Yeah that's it idk what else to put. A+ writer right here 😂😂

"Okay, everyone I'm your new teacher Mr. Hood. You can call me Calum, I wasn't supposed to start until next year but your old teacher Mrs. Hanson went into labor early so, here I am. Since I only know about maybe 6 of you we're gonna go around and say your name." Calum said sitting on the desk in front of class.

After going around and everyone say their name, it finally came to you last. "Y/n, but you already knew that because you've known me since the day I was born." You said putting your feet on your desk.

"Unfortunately yes and put your feet down, your not at home." Calum strictly spoke looking over at you, making you take your feet down nervous at the sudden strictness of your brother.

"Okay, since we got that out of the way let's get started." He said standing up and walking over to the board. "Where did you guys leave off in the book?" Calum asked looking at the class of 13 to 14 year olds.

"We just learned about graphing linear equations." Chris, also known as the teacher pet answered.

"Great, so next in your book it says your gonna learn how to graph them using the y-intercept. Does anyone know how to find the y-intercept of an equation?" The 21 year old teacher asked to no one in particular, after a few minutes no one rose their hands so Calum just told us the answer.

"So, how you find your y-intercept the easiest way is using the formula y=mx+b. M always be your slope, so if you have a slope of 2 it'll be m=2. Your y-intercept will always be B and will always be written in an offered pair, for example if it says 5 your y-intercept will be (0,5). Simple enough right?" Calum explains writing what he said on the board before turning around. Seeing everyone nod, you really didn't understand it but you just nodded anyway.

The class did a few more problems to make sure everyone got it. "Awesome, since you guys were learning this pretty easily and have been good with listening. I've decided I'm not gonna give you homework tonight but I might on Monday. There's about 20 minutes left of class, so, you guys can talk or go on your phones. I'll be at my desk if you need me." Calum said picking up everything for and walking to the desk getting ready for tomorrow's lesson.

You decided to go up and ask Calum to explain what you guys learned today. "Hey cal, I have a question." You said sitting on the desk looking at him.

"What's up y/n?" Calum asked taking his eyes and looking at you before checking over the class to make sure the rest of the class wasn't doing anything to catch.

"Can you explain to me more about what we learned to today? I really don't understand it." You embarrassingly said looking down and chewing your nails. You only did that when you felt insecure making Calum pull your hand down from your mouth.

"Y/n, don't be embarrassed. It's okay, it was a lot of information for one class to be thrown at you, I'll explain as much as you need me to until you get it." Your brother spoke making you feel not as insecure as you were before.

"Thanks cal." You smiled at him, with him smiling in return. You heard the final bell ring and everyone began putting their stuff in the bags, hurriedly Excited to go to go home.

"Have a good weekend everyone, see you all on Monday." Calum said standing up and smiling at everyone watching them shuffle out of the classroom into the busy hallway. "Wanna stay here for a little bit? I'll teach you some more, yeah?" Calum asked wiping off the board and turning to you.

"Yeah, sure." You simply said shushing your shoulder and sitting in a chair in the front row, waiting for him to continue. He began to teach you more and in depth. After about an 1 1/2 hours you got the hang of it.

"Great job y/n, your a pro now!" Calum said high fiving you as you got all the sample problems right.

"Thanks Calum, for teaching me so I got it." You said side hugging him and smiling.

"No problem y/n/n, wanna head home? It's pizza night." The brunette hairs boy asked looking down at you.

"Race you to the car!" You yelled as you started to run to the car Calum yelling something as he ran after you but you beat him. "Victory is mine!" You said putting your fist in the air

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Let's head home." Calum responded getting into the car and starting it waiting for you to get in.

"Home we go!" You said getting in and buckling up looking over at Calum.

Hey! Another update because I'm bored. Also another au, I really like writing au's honestly it's fun. Well, vote if you liked it!
Bye loves xx

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