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By the time we got back to the hotel, the sun had fully risen and our feet dragged from exhaustion

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By the time we got back to the hotel, the sun had fully risen and our feet dragged from exhaustion.

Cassie told me she hadn't found much other than some sanitary materials from the women's restroom and some bottles of water from one of the work rooms.

That coupled with my first aid kit and handgun and I reasoned that our trip had been a fairly successful one. You know, if you just completely disregarded the fact that Cassie almost got shot (again) and we were arriving at least an hour late.

When we opened the front door to the hotel, I was immediately bombarded by the sound of yells and shouts from the floor above. They no doubt belonged to Zombie.

Cassie rested a hand on my shoulder, holding me back momentarily. "Maybe it's best if I take the blame for this whole thing," she said slowly. "I can say I wanted to help Evan and you just wanted to make sure I didn't go alone."

This whole situation would be better if Cassie did take the blame. Well, at least it'd be better for my relationship with Zombie. But despite the lack of conflict between Zombie and I, it'd only make Zombie hate Evan more. Which was something we definitely didn't need. At this point, Evan was our only hope to figuring out the Megan problem.

I gave her a small smile. "Thanks, but it's ok," I said. "It was my idea. I'll take whatever Zombie throws my way," I continued.

Cassie nodded once, dropping her hand.

"And after all, it's not like we're coming back empty handed," I added, before bravely ascending the steps to where the noise was coming from.

Zombie and I hadn't talked much since I'd gotten mad at him last week. Zombie had apologized to Dumbo but he hadn't gotten around to Nugget yet. So, I'd held true to my words. I hadn't talked to him or associated with him for a whole seven days. And if I was being completely honest, I was hoping he would apologize soon to Nugget so I could be around him again. I missed him.

But after the stunt I'd just pulled with leaving the hotel, who knew when Zombie and I would be on good terms again.

"Shit, Flint! You just let them go! You just agreed to stand guard and let them go? What the hell? What the hell were you thinking?!"

"Chill, man. It's not like I just 'agreed'. I mean I had conditions! And I also took their place taking watch. I don't understand why you're being such a little bit-"

"You don't understand? What do you mean you 'don't understand'? You let two of us just leave! And what conditions? What the fu-"

"I don't understand because they left in the middle of the night, when no one would see them and they made sure to put someone on watch before they left. And as for my conditions-"

My eyes widened as I anticipated what was coming next. Now seemed like the perfect moment to intervene. I looked over at Cassie briefly before throwing open the door, barging into the room.

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