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I QUICKLY LOOKED away from Ben Parish, afraid that I would get lost in his eyes and embarrass myself by drooling or doing something else completely mortifying

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I QUICKLY LOOKED away from Ben Parish, afraid that I would get lost in his eyes and embarrass myself by drooling or doing something else completely mortifying.

The officer nodded at the group and gave them a stern nod before exiting the room, closing the door behind her.

"I'm Dumbo," a dark skinned boy spoke up, "That's Poundcake and Oompa," he said, pointing at a young rather plump boy and then at another boy with crooked teeth.

I nodded and gave them a slight wave.

Dumbo appeared to be young as well, and was an owner of evidently large ears (hence the name, I guess).

"I'm Teacup," a small girl piped in.

"I'm Nugget," an even smaller boy added, standing out of line to raise his hand.

I gave him a small smile, feeling a strong sense of pity pang my chest. He was so young- probably the youngest of all the kids in the room. It horrified me that, at such a young age, he had been thrust into a world of terror. And if that wasn't enough, he was now training to fight the thing that had brought that terror upon him.

"The name's Ringer. I don't like to be touched, pestered or talked to," said a tall pale  girl.

She looked to be around the same age as I was, but the way she had talked to me suggested that she  believed she had authority over the rest of us. I was immediately envious of her seemingly perfect black hair and clear skin (it really wasn't fair that some got to skip over the whole acne and awkward teenage years while the rest of us had to suffer through them).

Ringer stalked away and the last boy (aside from Ben, who still hadn't bothered to say anything) stuck out his hand for me to shake, "Flintstone," he said, "But you can call me Flint," he continued, adding in a wink for good measure.

I forced a small smile, trying to ignore the fact that a guy, with the largest uni brow I had ever seen, was trying to flirt with me.

"Nice to meet you Flintstone," I said shaking his hand, "Canary."

The feel of my new name on my tongue was foreign, rolling off in a new, somehow comforting, way.

After shaking hands for what seemed to feel like forever, I gave Flintstone another awkward smile, wishing he would drop my hand and leave me alone. Every second he stood in front of me made me more and more uncomfortable.

There was a deep cough behind him and Ben rest a hand on Flintstone's shoulder, signaling for him to move away.

He rolled his eyes at Ben and went to go join the other kids who had resumed their games of cards they had been playing prior to my arrival.

Ben stuffed his hands in his front pockets, a behavior that reminded me all too much of the old Ben.

"Your backpack and clothes are on your bunk over there," he said, nodding to the bunk in the corner of the room (which, If I'm being completely honest with myself,  I really hoped was near his).

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