Benjamin's POV

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I held my knife as I ran blindly through the forest.  When I knew I couldn't run anymore, I climbed a tree.

I looked down. A girl was sitting there. She was sharpening her dagger and holding a gun. Should I trust her? She might be one of them.....

Dark brown eyes met my blue ones. "Get down here." Her voice. .it was like music.

Snap out of it Ben! I chided myself.

"Get.Down.Here.NOW!" She orded. I climbed down and was facing her.  Her dark brown eyes stared me down. "Who is the enemy? " she asked me calmly.

"What? What do you mean?" I asked confused.

She stepped closer to me and took the tip of her dagger and traced my face.  "Who.Is. The. Enemy? Is it me. Or them."

I stepped back "Them."

She gave me a fake smile. "Poor baby" she said with a sickly sweet high pitched voice, "Just lost his....mother. and sister."

"How'd you know that?!"  I asked pankied.

"Learn to read your enemy! " she snapped.  She threw her dagger and it whizzed by my ear so close I could hear it going by. I had the feeling if she wanted to hit me,she would've.  "When someone asks you a question. You answer. I don't care if you don't know the answer. Not answering is a sign of weakness. "

She walked past me to get her dagger. "If you show me weakness I will stab you."

"What's your name?" 

"Annabel Nightingale. Your personal nightmare." She smirks.

I gulp "um....I'm Benjamin"

She nods taking her dagger.

I stand there awkwardly. "So...How are you?" I said, then mentally smacked himself.

She raised an eyebrow "Well let's see......" She stared ranting about stuff. Lemme tell you; boy can she cuss.

I tuned her out. I didn't need more problems.

She suddenly pulled me behind a bush and put her hand on my mouth. "SHUT UP!" She mouthed.

I raised an eyebrow but kept quiet. I looked through the bush. Two men with guns walked by. I started to panic. Had they seem us?!

She removed her hand. "Shh. They might be here....Oh no"

One of them grabbed her from behind "Ready to die sweetheart?"
She elbowed him and pulled out her dagger. She stabbed his leg and he jumped back, howling in pain.

The other one grabbed me but I quickly punched him.

We dragged them to a tree and she took his gun. "Look away. I'm going to kill them."

"You can't! You'll go to hell!" I blurted out.

She smiles grimly "I'm going to hell either way hun. But look away."

I turned away and heard two gunshots.

She had two guns and her dagger in her hand. I stared. She was ready to kill.

She saw me staring and smirked. "What? To feisty? Sorry hun but killing involves weapons."

I turned away, suddenly feeling sick. A person...No two...Had died because of us.

She put a hand on my shoulder but I shook it off. "What's wrong Benjamin?" She asked.

"We..You... KILLED! Two people!" I held back tears.

She looked me in the eyes. "Benjamin. They would've killed us."

I closed my eyes. Even though I knew she was right, I still felt horrible.

"Let's rest" she said, her voice surprisingly soft. I nodded.  Rest sounded good.

Before I laid down, she put her hands on my shoulders. "I know it feels bad. Think of...Your sister. Tell me about her."

"My sister...My Leah. She was 13 when she died. She was my Sunshine. We did everything together. Until...They came and killed her. THEY KILLED MY SUNSHINE!" Tears fell from my eyes. I pulled out a necklace from under my shirt. Inside was a picture of her giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Leah...."

Annabel looked sad. "Oh. She sounds wonderful." She put her arms around me as I cried.

I sobbed. "My Sunshine is gone! Dead!" I gently kissed her picture. "I love you my Leah."

Annabel just held me as I cried myself dry. "You do realize that..We need to get revenge on them?"

"I'm going to get revenge." I spat coldly at the ground.

"Two dead. They helped kill her Benjamin."

I suddenly felt happy they died.  "Yes. They are dead. Like her. They deserved it."

She smiles coldly. "Now you're thinking Ben. Two down."

I smiled evilly. Two down. Two revenges done.

And I would kill them ALL

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2017 ⏰

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